Chapter 4

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The teacher came in late, as usual. She always came in late but if any one of us came in late, she gives us a detention without question.

It's so unfair that adults get to treat kids anyway they want to and us kids have to show them respects when they have no intention of respecting us.

Mrs. Robinson started writing some stuff on the board that I wasn't really paying attention to because all I could think about was the boy who stared at me in the hallway earlier.

Something flashed in his eyes that I couldn't exactly realize but it was weird. No one has ever looked at me that way before.

The arrival of another member of the skyscrapers pulled me out of my thoughts.

This one had brown hair and blue eyes. He sported a black T-shirt and black jeans and had his hands stuffed into his pocket.

You could practically see his muscles bulging out of his t-shirt.

All the girls in the class had their eyes glued to him, watching as he gave a paper to the teacher.

She looked at it briefly then nodded her head indicating that he was now free to take a seat in her class.

His eyes scanned the room looking for an empty chair. There were two empty seats in the classroom, the one at the back of the room and the one beside me.

His eyes flickered between the two empty seats as if he was having an internal battle about where to sit.

No one has ever sat beside me for a class and I'm really hoping that he'll make the decision to be like everyone else- not the bullying, the seating arrangements of course- because if he sat beside me then it would just be awkward seeing as I barely socialize with people.

I'm socially awkward and that isn't really my idea of a good first impression.

Finally, his eyes settled on me and he started moving towards me.

Oh no.


Dear God, if you're up there , please hear my cry and don't let him sit beside me. I promise I'll start going to church if you just ans-

He sat beside me.

Thanks a lot God.

There's a skyscraper sitting beside me, and do you know what he did? He turned and smiled at me.


"Hi I'm Dennis"

Oh holy night.

He just introduced himself.

Who does that???!!!!

What do I even say?

"H-h-h-h-iii" I stuttered.

His smile widened . Please don't continue this conversation. Let's just focus on what the teacher is sayi-

"What's your name"

Oh God.


"Nice to meet you Dorian" he was still smiling at me and it was then that I noticed his dimples.

I held my head down, blushing from embarrassment and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying.

But unfortunately, that didn't work since he felt the need to prolong this conversation.

"So Dorian, me and my friends are sort of new here, do you think you could maybe show us around sometime?"

At the sound of those words, my head snapped up to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Y-you d-don't know who I a-am, do you?" I asked before my mind could process what I was saying.

He sort of looked taken aback by my question but quickly regained his composure and smiled again.

"Well, technically I don't but I would really like to get to know you though"

"If you knew who I was then you'd change your mind without even thinking twice" I sighed.

I couldn't be friends with him. He just came to the school and has a really good chance of upping his social status. Hanging out with me would just lower it.

And sooner or later he'd find out who I really am. And who wants the victim of bullying to be their friend?

Who wants to be friends with someone who has deep dark secrets and a past she's running from?

I don't want friends. I don't need friends. All friends do is hurt you and I'm already being  hurt enough as it is.

His smile slowly faded. "Trust me, I've met alot of really awful people in my life and I don't think you come even close to being as bad as anyone of them."

I sighed again. Just let it go dude. "Can we just focus on the class please" it wasn't a question, he seemed to notice that and didn't say anything else to me for the rest of the class. Although from time to time, I could feel his burning gaze at the side of my face but I didn't dare look at him.

Trust me buddy, I'm doing you a favor.

Finally, the bell rung and I packed my bag and headed out of the classroom before anyone else could and went to my second class for the day.

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