Chapter 30

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A/n:Hi guys😊If you've made it this far then i take it that you're enjoying the story. Please check out my other story The Gods Among Us. It's shown up abovePlease like, comment and share. Thank you. Enjoy!


It had been a few days since I saw the boys. They were absent from school ever since the day they came in late.

They didn't call, or text. It was like they fell right off the face of the Earth.

I was beginning to worry about them. Once again, I tried calling Ryder but I kept getting voice mails.

My bullying started up again when everyone realized that the boys weren't around anymore.

When I went home Caroline and James were normally absent. Ever since my father got released from jail they've rarely been around. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were avoiding me. They would leave occasional notes telling where they were and where I could find the money they stashed somewhere in the house, but other than that, there was nothing.

So once again, I was completely and utterly alone.

That is, until I got the call.

I like us better when we're wasted. It makes it easier to say yeah yeah yeah yeah. Lay all your laundry on the bed and I'll lay in it instead. I like us better when we're wasted. Oh oh oh.

My ringtone blared throughout my room, instantly waking me up.

What the hell?

I rolled over on my side and looked at my digital clock. 1:38pm. Great.

I picked up the phone and answered it in a groggy voice.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Dori?" The male voice on the other line said. I instantly realized who it was. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Kruz?" I asked in disbelief. "Do you have any idea what time it is? Why are you calling me at such an ungodly hour?"

There was slience. Then he spoke.

"I-I'm sorry" he said in a trembling voice,then a sniffle followed. Something was wrong. I felt it.

"Kruz" I said with concern lacing my voice. "What's wrong?"

Silence again.

"I-I-I didn't want to call but I had no one else to turn to" he let out a sob.

Now my body was fully alerted. Worry started taking over my being and I was anxious to know what was wrong with him and why he was crying.

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