Chapter 42

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Dorian's POV

"She can't know the truth. Not now, not ever"

"Are you serious?" I heard another voice ask followed by a scoff. " How long do you think it'll take her to figure out the truth about him? About us?"

"She's smart. She'll find out eventually" another voice said. "We have to tell her ourselves. Rather than have her find it out some other way"

It didn't take a genius to figure out that the guys were talking about me. They were obviously debating whether or not they should tell me something.

It made me fidgety and nervous as I thought about what they could be keeping from me.

The worst thought ran through my head. Could they be working for my father?

As soon as the thought appeared, I dismissed it. They couldn't be. Why would they go through so much trouble to protect me if they were just going to hand me over to my father in the end.

They want your trust Dori. It would be a much easier process to turn you over if they gained their trust...

But my father threatened to kill them... Why would he threaten to kill his own workers.

Maybe it's just an act. An act to fool you and get you to fall for their trap.

Beads of sweat ran down my forehead at the possibility of it being true. It couldn't be. They couldn't betray me like that.

People aren't always what they seem Dori. You should know that.

Shut up stupid brain!

The anxiety was eating away at my insides. I started to feel a bit nauseous. I had to know what they were keeping from me.

So with trembling hands and shaky knees, I stepped forward, making myself visible to them.

"And what exactly will she find out?"

The boys all turned and looked at me, shock written all over their faces.

"D-dori" Ryder breathed as if he was trying to process that fact that I was standing right in front of him. "H-how much did you hear?" He asked as the realization dawned on him that I had been eavsdropping on their conversation.

"E-enough to know that you guys are k-keeping something from me"

The boys looked at each other and then with one swift not from Ryder, they began removing their shirts.

My hands shot up to cover my eyes instinctively.

What the hell were they doing?

I heard a chuckle before I heard Micah say "You can look at us you know. It's not like your eye balls are gonna fall out"

"Yeah, you might just disintegrate into dust by our beauty though" That was Kruz.

I chuckled at his confident humor and removed my hands from my face, slowly.

The sight that I was met with was shocking...
Kruz was right. I probably would've disintegrated into dust by their beauty.

In front of me stood four very muscular, toned boys with 6 and 8 pack abs.

But that wasn't what caught my attention. What caught my attention was the big black falcon tattoo that rested on their chests.

 What caught my attention was the big black falcon tattoo that rested on their chests

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