Chapter 32

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No, no, no,no,no.

Not again. Please no.

"Dorian!" His angry voice echoed through the woods.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed back as I continued running.

Please God, let him leave me alone.

"Dorian!" He screamed again. "I'm going to kill you, you little bitch! When I catch you I'll kill you! "

I ran for my life, quite literally. My lungs were screaming at me . They were burning which was a sign that I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I had to stop running.

But I didn't. I couldn't.

I'd be asking for death if I did. And he would undoubtedly give it to me.

I continued running until my body decided that I couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed on the ground, tired.

My body felt numb and heavy. I could hardly move. I knew that I couldn't continue running so with all the strength I could muster, I pulled myself enough so that I was hiding behind a large tree.

After a few seconds, I heard his footsteps getting closer. He stopped running and started walking when he was in my area.

He took in a deep breath then let it out. " I can smell you sweetheart. I know you're here somewhere" he let out a chuckle.

My breath hitched. I felt a lump in my throat as my heart beat quickened.

"You can always run Dorian." There was a pause, almost as if he meant it dramatically." But you can't hide"

Then a gun was pressed to the side of my head and a shot echoed throughout the whole forrest.

I heard laughing, his maniacal laugh.  Then it faded and was replaced by him calling my name. He shook my shoulders in an attempt  to get me to open my eyes.

But wasn't I dead? Or, wasn't I supposed to be?

How was I still able to hear and feel? My father literally just shot me in my head. And now he was trying to wake me? Was he mad or something? Or maybe I was... I'm still aware of my surroundings aren't I?

"Dorian? Come on, wake up"

I groaned in response and the voice chuckled, then the shaking began again.

"Leave me alone" I managed to groan out.

Can't a girl get some sleep without being disturbed?

"Dori, just open your eyes"

I recognized that voice. I opened my eyes and was instantly met with a pair of steel blue ones.

Ryder. And not my father.

"Hey" he spoke softly with a small smile in his face.

"Sleeping beauty finally decided to awake from her slumber" Dennis chuckled.

I suddenly remembered that I was in a hospital with the guys. We were waiting for news about Kruz. And when the doctor came to  give us the news, I was excused and went to my seat. I must've fallen asleep.

"Come on, it's time to go home." Ryder said to me.

"What?" I asked, a bit tiredly. Then I let out a yawn. "Why are we leaving? Is Kruz out?"

Ryder sighed. "No he's not. He's not gonna be out for a while. He's not doing too well"

"Then why are we leaving? "

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