Chapter 28

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That's how I felt. Hopeless.

He had found me. All of those years thinking that maybe, maybe, my life would get better in the Future. The hope that I would never have to see him again. The hope that I could one day pick up my broken pieces and start over. The hope that one day, I would be more than just a broken shell of a person.

But all that hope was washed down the drain the moment he stepped back in my life.

I was done for. Even I knew it.

It had been so easy for him to find me at the party. He could have killed me right then and there if the boys hadn't intervened.

It had hit me then how easy he could kill me. How easy I could die.

And just the thought that I could die at any moment made me hopeless.

I hadn't gotten a minute of sleep the night I returned from the party. I kept hearing sounds everywhere that would keep my body in high alert. Every sound I heard made me think that it was him and that scared me.

I woke up the next morning and dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I washed my hair then got out of the shower. I dried myself off then blow dried my hair. When I was done, I wrapped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom.

I went through my closet and took out a pair of black jeans, a white tank top, a plaid blue and red long sleeve shirt and slipped on my black boots.

I tied the plaid shirt around my waist, pulled my hair into a pony tail and headed down the stairs.

After locking the door and checking my surroundings to see if anyone, particularly my father, was watching me, I headed off in the direction of Decalon high school.

When I arrived at the parking lot, everyone there started whispering and looking at me. They were most likely talking about the events that took place the night before with me and my father.

I did the usual and hung my head low and walked into the school.

"Hey loser" a random guy called out to me once I entered the school doors. "Was that guy last night your sugar daddy? Because from the looks of it, you really need one" he said and his friends laughed.

Really? Lame.

I walked to my locker and was instantly met by Mason. But this time, it was just him.


"Walker" he said leaning off my locker.

I rolled my eyes at him and let out a frustrated sigh. "What do you want Mason?" I asked. "Have you come to embarrass me in front of everyone? Because believe me, I've had enough of that from last night"

I was not prepared to hear the word that left his mouth next. "Actually, I'm here to talk to you. Just to talk, nothing else"

I stood there with my mouth agape and eyes wide. "T-t-talk?"

"Yes, but in private" he gestured with his head for me to follow him and I did but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw where he was taking me.

I let out a scoff and crossed my arms over my chest. "Seriously? Was this some kind of joke or something? What, do you have your friends in there waiting to beat me up?" I said pointing over to the boys' locker room.

"No there's no one in there."

"And what makes you think that I'll go back in there with you after what you've done to me?"

"Dorian if I wanted to beat you up, I would've done it right in front of everyone. I swear I just want to talk. I know I've done nothing to deserve your time of day but please, it is important" he said his eyes now pleading with me to talk with him.

I let out a sigh. He was right. He didn't deserve my time of day after all the years he bullied me both verbally and physically. But something about the black bags under his eyes, his messed up hair- that's usually neatly combed- and his broken expression, made me walk into that locker room with him.

"Make it quick" I snapped once I entered.

"Hey!" He barked at me. "Just because I wanted to talk and not beat you up doesn't mean that you shouldn't watch your mouth''

"I'm sorry but you were the one who needed my help" I stated matter-of-factly. "So if you beat me up then that's up to you. You'll just have to look elsewhere for help"

He scowled at me knowing that I was right. Then he got right down to the point.

"That guy last night" he said referring to my father. "You know him?" He asked.

I sighed heavily. I was really hoping that no one would bring him up. I felt a pang in my heart just thinking about him.

"Unfortunately, I do"

"How?" He asked looking genuinely confused as if he was trying to fit together the pieces of a puzzle.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, a bit hesitant to answer his question.

"I have my reasons" he stated.

"Which would be?"

"Just answer me goddamnit!" He exclaimed and I flinched at his sudden out burst. He ran a hand frustratingly through his already mess up hair.

He looked back at me with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry" he said.

I shook my head at him. "I think I should go" I said, not wanting to continue our conversation.

He shook his head and sat on a bench in the room. He hung his head in his hands and let out a heavy sigh, almost as if it pained him to say what he was going to say next.

"Yea, I think you should" he said responding to my previous statement.

I turned on my heels to exit through the door but not before turning around and looking back at Mason.

Maybe I imagined it but I could've sworn that I saw a tear run down his cheek as he sat there. Then I turned and left.

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