Chapter 47

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I knocked on the door timidly.

"What do you bloody want?" I hear a gruff voice from the other side.

I poked my head inside and saw him laying in his bed and staring up at the ceiling.

"I-its just me" I whispered timidly, afraid to spike his anger seeing as he had just been shot. But to my surprise, when he looked at me, his eyes softened.


"Hey" I smiled shyly at his nickname for me. If someone had held a tomato next to my face, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two.

I took a few steps inside then stopped as I saw Ryder slowly sit up and leaned on the bed rest. His hair was messy but somehow it made him look even sexier. He was still a little pale but not as much as he was before. His shoulder was bandaged and looked like it had stopped bleeding.

He had no shirt on.

Dear God.

His tattoo was on full display and so was his abs. He looked like he was fully sculpted by the hands of God himself. Every part of his body was defined and looked rock hard.

I immediately snapped myself out of my daze and willed my eyes to stay on his face.

He had a lazy grin on when I looked back up. Why did that make him look even sexier?

"Like what you see?" He raised a brow cockily.

I held my head down and summoned my inner tomato once more. He laughed at my embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush" he said with that same cute grin in his face.

You're not helping here.

Then he stopped laughing and called for me. "C'mere"

I slowly inched forward, a little closer to the bed. I didn't want to get too close then do something clumsy that could cause him more pain.

"Closer Dori" he chuckled.

I took one more step.


Another step.


One more step.

"Just a little bit closer"

Another one inch step.

"You're almost there"

By the time I took the next step, I was at the end of the bed facing him. That was where I chose to stop.

"Come closer" he urged but I shook my head.

He frowned a bit. "Why not?"

I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He might think I'm stupid.

"Dori" he called my attention.

"I-I m-might be clumsy and end up hurting y-you" I whispered.

He didn't say anything for a while so I looked up and saw him smiling at me with an admiring look in his eyes.

"You won't do anything wrong. I trust you" I looked at him and took a deep breath then walked right over to him. He smiled at me and Pat his lap indicating for me to sit there. I furrowed my brows.

"Won't I hurt your shoulder?"

He shook his head. "I'll support you with my good arm" and with that I sat. As soon as I made myself comfortable on his lap, he wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me into him and nuzzled my neck. He inhaled deeply then let out a content sigh.

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