Chapter 20

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I pushed open the large double doors of the school and stepped inside.

I was immediately greeted by the familiar rush of students moving about busily in the hallway.

I held my head down and made my way to my locker without receiving any shoves, kicks or mean comments.


I arrived at my locker and opened it and took out my books for chemistry. Then suddenly, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" A deep male voice said. I instantly knew who it was but decided to act clueless.

"Hmm.." I said pretending to think. "Is it Santa Claus?" He snickered at that.


"Is it Mickey mouse?"

Another snicker. "Nope"

"Hmm...." I said again, this time placing a finger on my chin. "Is it the boogie monster that has come to get me?"

"No" he let out a short laugh.

"Then I wonder who this could possibly be" I said in a slightly dramatic voice. He removed his hands from my face and I turned around and gazed up into his big, doe eyes.

"It was me!" Kruz said with a big, goofy grin on his face. Then he turned to the guys. "She didn't know it was me" he said snickering while pointing his thumb in my direction.

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't stop the smile that made its way across my face.

Kruz engulfed me into a bone crushing hug. Bye bye ribs. "I missed you so much"

"Kruz we saw each other this morning" I said, slightly wheezing because of his tight hold on me.

"But that was soooo long ago" he said. "I still missed you"

I was pretty sure my face was as red as tomato and was slowly turning purple because of the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

"Kruz....let...let..." I tried to say but couldn't.

I tried pushing him off but he was much bigger than me so it obviously didn't work. He didn't even budge.

My body was starting to get numb when suddenly, Kruz was pulled off of me.

I immediately started gasping and took in the oxygen greedily.

"Dori I am so sorry" Kruz said with wide, frightened eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked his voice laced with concern.

I gave him a thumbs up indicating that I was fine, seeing as I still couldn't speak because I was trying to regulate my breathing.

I looked at Ryder who I had just noticed was glaring at Kruz. His eyes held so much anger that I was surprised that there wasn't a hole in the side of Kruz's face yet.

Ryder's hands were balled into fists. He looked dangerous, like was ready to explode and kill the next person that touches him.

"Hey man, calm down" Dennis said, putting a hand on Ryder's shoulder in an attempt to calm him. "It was an accident. He didn't realize"

"Well maybe he should have been paying more attention." Ryder said through clenched teeth.

"I already said I was sorry" Kruz said. "I didn't realize I was doing it, I swear!"

"Well maybe you should've-" I interrupted Ryder and spoke.

"Guys I'm fine. Really. I mean, Kruz didn't realize. I don't think he'd purposely hurt me" I said. I knew that if I didn't stop it they would start to argue which would cause a scene in the hallway which I really didn't want to happen.

"See!" Kruz said. " She believes me"

Ryder's gaze flickered over to me and his eyes softened for a fraction of a second before hardening again. "Whatever" he said then turned his gaze elsewhere.

Bipolar much?

"Anywaaayyss" Dennis said, cutting through the tension. "Let's tell her about the plan"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What plan?"

What were they talking about?

"Well, were going to keep you safe throughout the day" Micah said.

"How?" I asked.

"Throughout the entire day, you'll always have one of us with you. So for first period, I'll be with you then I'll walk you to your second class where you'll be with Micah. Then he'll walk you to your third class and to lunch. After lunch, Kruz will be with you through fourth and fifth period and then he'll walk you to your last class where you'll be with Ryder" Dennis explained.

I looked over at Ryder who wasn't paying any attention to our conversation. He was just leaning against the locker with his arms across his chest. He didn't even move when his name was mentioned.

What's wrong with him?

I could see his muscles bulging out from his tight dark blue T-shirt. He was really good looking.

Stop it Dori!

I turned my attention back to the three boys. "What if I have to go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Whoever's in charge of you then will follow you and wait outside until you're finished." Micah said.

I nodded my head in approval. "You guys had this well planned out didn't you?"

"Yup" Kruz said, grinning.

I chuckled. "Who's brilliant idea was this?" I asked.

"It was actually Ryder's idea" Dennis said.

My eyes widened in shock and my mouth was catching flies.


I looked over to him for an explanation. His blue eyes met mine and he sighed. "I just did it because I felt guilty about Mason hurting you because of me. I wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt again because of me. Because I felt guilty and I want to make it up to you. So don't go around thinking that I care about you or anything" he said then walked off as the bell rang.

My stomach dropped at his explanation. I turned to the boys.

The looked at each other and sighed.

"Don't worry about it. He didn't mean that." Dennis said, giving me a small smile.

I think he did.

We said goodbye to Kruz and Micah as Dennis took my hand and led me to my class. While walking, I replayed Ryder's words in my head.

"Don't go around thinking that I care about you or anything"

I pushed the thought to the back of my head and tried to convince myself that I didn't care about what he said.

I don't care.

I walked to the door of the chemistry lab with Dennis.

I don't care.

I opened it and looked for a place to sit.

I don't care.

I don't care.

I don't care.

Dennis and I sat at our usual seats.

I don't care.

The teacher came in and started writing on the board.

I don't care.

I took out my notebook and tried to focus on the words on the board but could only focus on Ryder.

Dammit. I do care.

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