Chapter 17

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After detention had ended, Ryder and the rest of the boys offered to drive me home but I told them that I would prefer to walk instead, and to my surprise, they offered to walk with me.

As we walked together, we talked more about each other and found out alot of things about The Boys.

I learnt that they've been friends for 15 years. They met each other when they started Pre- School and they have been friends ever since. I learned that Dennis's father owned the largest business organization in the whole country and he also owned 7 other small businesses. Point being, he was filthy rich.

When the boys were 15 and Kruz was 14, since he's one year younger than the rest of them, they decided to get a house for themselves, even though they would still technically live with their parents.

Dennis, of course, was the one who paid for it. So the house that I woke up in when they 'kidnapped' me was theirs.

Pretty soon, we arrived at my home and they decided to follow me in.

I stepped inside and noticed that the place was really silent, which was weird, seeing as Caroline and James are normally home before me.

The boys followed me inside of the house.

"Make yourself at home guys" I said, gesturing for them to sit on the couch.

I decided to head into the kitchen to grab something for me and the guys to eat. As I was about to open the refrigerator, I saw a note on the door that read 'to Dorian' on the front.

I took it off and read the note.

Hi Dorian. We're working a bit later today and won't be back till tomorrow at noon. There are leftovers in the refrigerator and we left some cash on the counter under the fruit bowl just in case you needed anything or there was an emergency. We'll see you tomorrow Dorian and remember not to do anything stupid like throw a party or anything. But then again, who would you invite seeing as you have no friends whatsoever? Lol.... I crack myself up. Anyways Dorian, have a good evening. See you tomorrow.

Love, Mom and Dad

I threw the note into the garbage angrily. They made my blood boil. They always teased me about not having friends and being socially awkward. I hated it.

I also hated when they called themselves my 'mom and Dad.
They were my adopted parents, not my biological ones.

They didn't deserve the title of my parents, whether adoptive or not. All they did was belittle me and make fun of everything I do.
They never told me that they loved me. Ever. All they did was give me money as a form of happiness.

They made me miserable. I hated them just as much as they hated me.

At that moment Micah walked in. He said something but I was too upset to listen so I just said something that I hoped was a good answer to whatever he had said.

He walked over to me and shook me gently.

I snapped out of my trance.

"Hmm? What?" I said.

He furrowed his eyebrows and studied me. His eyes then darted over to my hand that was griping the counter top so hard that my knuckles were white.

I quickly withdrew my hand and placed it by my side.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice, concern written all over his face.

"What? N-n-nothing's wrong" I chuckled nervously. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because I asked you what we're getting to eat and your response was 'yea, you can buy a Lamborghini. Buy whatever you want'"

Oh God. I mentally face palmed myself.

Great answer Dori.

"Nothing's wrong. We can order pizza if you want" I replied.

Micah rolled his eyes at me and sighed. "I'm not an idiot Dori. I can tell when something's wrong"

I sighed. I took out the note from the bin and showed it to him. I watched as he read it then looked up at me. "Oh, so it's your parents"

"Adopted parents" I snapped.

His eyes widened a bit in realization. " You're adopted?"

"Yup. I sure am" I said with fake enthusiasm.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" He asked.

I averted my eyes and sighed once more. I'm losing alot of carbon dioxide today. "It's not something I like to talk to people about"

"We're not just people anymore. We're you're friends, remember?"

I looked at him. He was right. They were my friends. But I wasn't quite sure if I had accepted them as that yet. I still didn't trust them fully. They could abandon me at anytime. And I didn't want to confide and rely on people who I knew would leave me in the end.

Before I could respond to what he had said, Kruz walked into the kitchen and saw us.

"Everything ok in here?" He asked.

I looked at Micah and he nodded. "Yeah everything's fine" he said, then walked out of the kitchen leaving me and Kruz.

He raised a questioning eyebrow at me and I shook my head telling him not to worry about it.

I left him in the kitchen and walked out into the living room and saw the boys on the couch watching a movie.

I went and sat beside Dennis who sat beside Ryder who sat beside Micah who was at the other end. "What are you guys watching?" I asked.

"It's a movie called 'sweet sixteen'" Dennis stated. "It's about a girl who was born a hybrid but her powers were dormant until her sixteenth birthday"

I scrunched up my eyebrows in distaste. "That sounds boring" I said.

"Well we wanted to watch horror but then we had to think about you and not just ourselves and we thought you couldn't handle so we chose something we thought you would like" Ryder said.

I paused. "Hold up " I said as I raised my eyebrows at him and scoffed. "You thought I couldn't handle horror movies?" I asked out of pure disbelief.

Ryder looked at the television then back at me. "Well yeah" he started. "I mean your a girl so-"

"Are you patronizing me?!" I asked, my voice coming out a little bit louder. "You think because I'm a girl I can't handle horror movies as much as any guy can?!!" My body was shaking with anger.

I hated when boys made girls feel interior to them. Girls can do as much as any guy can. We're all equal. I was perfectly capable of watching a horror movie without peeing my pants.

Sure, some of the scenes might be frightening and gruesome but you won't see me with my tail between my legs running up the stairs and hiding under my bed.

Ryder held up his hands in surrender. "I didn't mean it like that Dori-"

"There's only one way to mean that!" I interrupted him once more.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry" he said. "We'll watch a horror movie then"

I huffed and sat back in my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.

"We'll watch 'What Happens At Midnight' then" Ryder suggested. He looked at me. "Are you up for that?"

I scoffed again. " Sure"

"Fine. Let's see how good you really are at watching horror movies" he said in a challenging tone.

Oh I'll show him. "Bring it on"

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