Chapter 45

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It had been two days since the boys explained to me about their gang and the things they did. I wanted to know everything so they laid all cards on the table. All cards.

The thing that I feard the most was that they were murderers. Turns out that they had indeed killed people before but they usually try to injure someone enough so that they won't be in there way but not enough to kill them.

That eased my mind a bit.

Tonight they were going to take me to their gang house underground. Even though it was a huge risk, they wanted to make sure that I knew absolutely everything, including the gang members. So they were going to bring me at some party at the gang house so I could be introduced to everyone.

There was a knock on my door and I turned around in time to see Ryder stepping in.

"Hey" he greeted in a soft voice with a small smile. "Are you ready?"

I turned back around and looked in the mirror at the outfit I picked out. It was a grey oversized sweater that stopped at my mid thigh and some black skinny jeans with black ankle boots.

 It was a grey oversized sweater that stopped at my mid thigh and some black skinny jeans with black ankle boots

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"Do I look okay?" I asked a bit nervously

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"Do I look okay?" I asked a bit nervously. I wanted to make a good impression on the gang members and I couldn't do that if I looked like complete crap.

"Of course you do" Ryder said as if it was as obvious as the colour of the sky. "You look beautiful" he whispered in my ear as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind me, my back pressed up against his chest.

I played with my fingers. "A-are you sure?"

He turned me around to look at him. "Hey, you look amazing okay?" He rubbed his thumbs over my cheeks, an action he came to realize calms me down.

I nodded my head. "Okay"

He gave me the sweetest smile. "I love you" he placed a kiss on my cheek, then took my hand in his. "Come on, let's go"

With one final sigh and one final glance in the mirror, I stepped out of the room.
We were at the entrance of the house underground. It looked sort of old like an old door that led to an abandoned building.

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