Chapter 58

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A/N: I'm a piece of crap, i know.

Third Person POV

"Mom" he desperately called out in the darkness. "Mom can you hear me?". The only thing that answered him was the deafening silence in the room. He pulled and tugged weakly at the rope on his hands as he called out once more. "Mom please. Mom answer me, please. Mom" his voice cracked as his throat tightened. 

It had been about an hour since Dorian's father had left. Kruz had answered all his questions as promised. But he was careful with his answers. He didn't lie, but he didn't exactly tell the whole truth either. He approached the situation in a way that if they were supposed to do a research, they would find the truth in Kruz's statements, but they wouldn't be enough to cause any major damage to their gang. Of course, he knew that they weren't fools. They weren't the second most powerful gang in the country for no reason. They'd eventually realize that Kruz was playing a twisted game and the boss would only come back with more anger. So while they were occupied, he'd try to figure out a way to get out of his ropes to help his mother. His original plan wasn't to leave until Ryder and the rest had found him, but now he had his mother to take care of, which made that plan seem impossible now.

His mother still seemed to be unconscious. The cut on her neck wasn't exactly tiny, but it was small enough where it should've already started clotting. But his mother's thick, red blood still trickled down the side of her neck as her body laid lifeless on the ground. They must've given her some Anticoagulants, which would explain why, after almost an hour, she's still bleeding.

"Mom" he called out again. The responses were the same as before. "Dammit!" How did she even get there? How could they have found her? How did they know that she was even related to him? They sure had done their digging.

They must've been so sure that they wouldn't be able to capture any of the members so they found someone else close to him, someone vulnerable. Kruz mentally cursed himself as soon as he realized. Why oh why did he ever think it was a good idea to leave his mother without any sort of protection, he hung his head in Shame.

The thought had never crossed his mind before because she had never once been put in harm's way. He even reduced the amount of times he visited her just so he could ensure her safety. She was well aware of what her son and his friends were involved in. Sure she wasn't happy at first, but after finding out that it really wasn't something that they could escape, she had no other choice, she had accepted with the condition that her son would never be put on the battlefield if he didn't need to be and also to ensure her safety. Ryder's father had been the leader at the time and he had agreed to her simple requests. That was how Kruz had first started his training for being the tech person for his team.

But now Kruz had failed both her requests. He remembered how Jyrein, Ryder's father, had kept him behind a computer, even during field emergencies. Every time he protested about wanting to be in on the action too, the leader would remind him of the promise he made to his mother. Sure Kruz knew self defense and a few other tricks with his gun just  incase a war was ever brought to him- because you can never be too careful in a business like this- but he'd never really have to use them because Ryder, after he was appointed the new leader, still made sure that that promise was kept.

But now here he was, breaking not just one but both promises. What he had thought to be a smart decision turned out to be foolish and he repranded himself over and over as he stared at his mother on the floor of the room.

Sighing bitterly, he decided that he needed to fix this, and quick before Dorian's dad returned. He looked at the ropes that bounded him. There were so many knots, he lost count after 11, and that was only on the front-the ones he could see. There was no way he'd be able to get out of them with the skills he'd learnt. 

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