What The Fu-!? to My Baby Daddy (Peter)

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"See you later, Peter." You said as he went into Mr. Delmar's shop. 

"Bye, Y/N!" His brown eyes sparkled at you as he entered the shop. He would buy sandwiches there everyday on our way back home before he left for his Stark Internship. You didn't get why he would run into that valley but he insisted a car came to pick him up on the other side.

'He's been so secretive lately. He's changed. He used to tell me everything.' You think sadly about your childhood friend.

You were one of the popular girls, how you'd become one you had no idea but you were. Peter and Ned, by extension had been your best friends since you were six and had moved in the apartment below Peter's.

Peter had been such a happy and carefree individual, he still was but he'd grown up since his uncle died. You'd go crazy if your father/father figure ever died. But he's so strong, he's had to be for May. Oh, poor May. The love of her life dead.

You walked alone on your way home, told Aunt May that Peter would be late(she wasn't surprised but she did break down a little. She shooed you away when you tried to comfort her, though). 

You entered your flat, watched Star Trek with your young brother, argued with your gran, laughed with your dad and annoyed your mom. A pretty normal day.

After your mother insisted you studying for the coming exams(roll eyes), you argued a while but then finally went to your room and opened Bio. God, you hate Science. The practical was okay but the theory part was downright revolting.

As you open the book, you remember how Kayla had been wailing about how Ms. Collins had said that reading the book would not at all be enough and they'd have to depend on her notes.

"Shit." You mutter as you turn my already pigsty of a room into the Augean stables. 

Hadn't you taken a single note the whole year? Surely, you were not that absent minded. 

You may not like Science but you can't very well drop it. You sighed. Dropping Math had been difficult enough.

You called Peter so you could borrow his notes for the evening. He doesn't even need to study as he's a genius, as your beloved grandmother reminds me so often.

He didn't pick up. Rather buggy of him. 'A friend in need is a friend indeed' and all that.

Well, his room was right above yours, you pondered. Aunt May wouldn't mind if you just dropped in for a moment.

You climbed out of yourwindow, after informing your parents hurriedly, they seemed shocked I was going to such lengths to study. So were you, in all fairness.

It's not like you had any other reason to.

Well, you do have a crush on Peter. Who wouldn't? He's so dorky and cute and hot and adorable and so similar. And real. 

You climbed into his bedroom via his window, which struck you as really odd. Shouldn't he lock it?

As you landed on the floor and drew yourself up, you had an heart attack.

Peter Parker was standing shirtless in front of you.

Well, his back was facing you.

That wasn't the most astonishing part. The most astonishing part was the Spider-Man suit which was bunched around his waist.

Despite your complete and utter shock, you couldn't help wondering 'Is he wearing anything under that?'

Bad hormones, you chastised.

"Well, this was an unexpected sight." You try to say confidently, flipping your (h/c) hair.

Peter turned and shot his web at me. It hit youin the stomach.

"First off, oWw. Second, how am I going to explain this to my parents? Third, HOLY SHIT you;re hot. Fourth, YOU'RE SPIDER-MAN?" You screamed out loud.

"SSsHsH!" He came over and placed his hand on yourmouth, still shirtless.

"Doesn't Aunt May know?" You mumbled through his fingers.

A lightbulb went off in his head and he took off his hand. "Oh, yeah."

"Peter Benjamin Parker, how long have you been KEEPING THIS FROM ME?"

He visibly wilted.

He muttered something starting with a '9'.

"Boy, you better not be saying anything more than 9 days." You warned.

"9 months." He says a little louder.

You were incensed. Your best friend had-had-had lied to you for so long.

"You kept this secret for an entire human gestation period? I could've had a baby in this time." Okay, where did that come from?

He gave you a look. "I never told you not to. AND...a-are you um, trying to tell me something?" He gestured to your midsection.

Annoyed but always dramatic, you flung out your hand and said, "Yes, alright. YES. I am pregnant. AND you're the father." You fling yourself onto him, very aware that he was still shirtless.

"Well-" He's a good actor. "-I promise to to always be with you. No matter what happens with us, I promise never to leave you or our baby." As if to seal the deal, he bent down and almost kissed you and giving you ANOTHER heart attack along with an asthma attack before laughing.

"That was good. You really looked like you wanted to kiss me, man." 

'Man'. Give it up for another victim of the Friend Zone.

"Yeah, well. If I'd have to be pregnant, I'd definitely want you to be the baby daddy."

"It's a deal." He grinned. "You know, you really looked like you wanted to kiss me." Peter adds slowly.

"Well, maybe I did." You say boldly. "But it doesn't cross out the fact that you lied to me for NINE MONTHS!"


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