Cast Love (Tom)

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You took a really very very very deep breath as you sat inside your trailer. You still felt goosebumps.

With another shaky breath, you allowed yourself to remember.

"Nervous, (L/N)?" Tom asked not unkindly. But you were already so off so you yelled back.
"Shove off, Holland. You've done stuff like this before."

He raised his hands in surrender.
"Sorry, but I find it hard to believe you haven't kissed before." He drops an enormous wink and despite yourself, you blush.

"Of course I have, Spidey, but not in a movie! Why is there even a kiss in a movie based off a video game?"

"To keep it interesting." Shawn, the director, replied who'd walked on set to hear your annoyed question.

You weren't as much as established actor as Tom and generally you were too scared to open your mouth. But Shawn was like a uncle figure.

"You realise there's a mighty big chance that the critics will hate it. 'Rushed' 'unnecessary' and what not." You rolled your (E/C) eyes.
Shawn rolled his eyes in return and walked off.

"Come on," Tom said comfortingly, "it'll only be a few seconds. If it's really so bad, have yiur stunt double do it. But I promise I'm not a bad kisser, (Y/N)."

You blushed again, you hated this habit.
"I'm sure you're not. It's just in front of...." You waved your hands around.

Tom nodded. "I know. In Homecoming, Laura and I were so annoyed that after such teasing and suffering during the kiss shoot, it didn't even make it into the film!"  He ran his hand through his gorgeous brown hair.

Wait, gorgeous? Where did that come from?

"No doubt Zendaya was pretty happy. How did you feel when you saw her kissing and flirting with Zac?" You ask snidely, half to make up for your stupid thought.

"You know perfectly well how." He says hotly, yet a little sadly at his ex's mention. Zendaya, not Zac.
Maybe it was just because you'd had a ginormous crush on Tom in your days as a Hollander (prior to working with him) but you never liked Zendaya. Something just always seemed off about her. Too perfect.
'Yeah, just pile on the hate on me now.' You think.

"Get into scene, guys!" Shawn yells before you get the chance to apologize. "Aaand, go!"

"I have to go, Elena." Tom, Nathan at the moment says wistfully, tugging at a lock of your hair.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now