Dust (Peter Parker)

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Infinity War killed me and I needed a week to get my thoughts together. I'm trying to write angsty.

You weren't on the trip to MoMA because you had mono, courtesy of kissing Peter. Kidding, you just have really bad period cramps. Though you did kiss Peter (and enjoy it) a lot. A LOT. Especially when he uses his webs- um. Nothing.

You were holed up in your room, groaning and cursing God for this uninvited and unwanted monthly subscription to Satan's waterfall. Frankly, when you were younger the only reason you were even 1% glad about this was because you thought it was a certainty of  becoming a mom. But well, now you knew the truth- it's because God hated women from the beginning. 

The cramps really were horrible. 

You had just managed to get up, tie your (H/C) hair sloppily and stumble for for some medicine. Just make this pain go away! 

You were horrified beyond anything you imagined when you saw your father disintegrating in front of your very eyes. 

"Abba?" You say, terrified and hold your hand out to touch him but you only feel sand. 

"(Y/N)-" My knight in shining armour, the best and earliest protector gasped out before he disintegrated completely into dust.

Cramps? What's that? 

What had happened? What, who had killed my father? Who has the audacity to do this?

"Ab-a-Abba-" You choke out before you fall on the floor, weeping for your father and hoping that the same fate hadn't befallen your mother and brother or Peter. 

Why had you been left, you wanted to know. If it was sins, I should go. You f it was ANYTHING, it should've been me. Me. Me. No one else. I was the worthless to me, he was the best person. 

Thinking, you'd just died, you got up, you had to check on your mom and your younger brother. 

"Am-amma-" you choked out as soon as you heard her crying voice. She wasn't dust. 

"You're okay, you're okay, I'm okay, Salman's fine but half my students are just-" 

"Dust." You say in a blank horrified silence. What the FUCK was going on? 

"Is your father-" She managed to ask before I lost it completely and broke do crying. 

~time skip ~ 

Despite the disintegration business, your mom couldn't come home because she was a teacher and had to look after her kids there. 

You were numb, you couldn't bring yourself to care. 

You managed to get  some of...of your father, you nearly had a seizure as you thought that and carefully put it into the fanciest dish you saw and covered it. 

You called Peter. No answer. You died again.

Somehow, still alive, you managed to call Ned. 

"(Y/N)?" His voice was nothing special but it was the most beautiful sound just then- a sound of hope. 

"Ned-" you croaked in relief. "-who?" 

His voice took on a true depressed and cry-ey tone. "MJ, Harry, Sally, Jason, G-" 

"Stop!" I yelled out. "I just saw my father, my first love, turn into dust in front of my eyes, I can't ... Can't think of them like that too. But .....Peter?" You ask resolutely when all you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and never wake up again. Or you know, die. 

"I don't know." You heard his honest voice and half your would shrivelled away and the other glowed. "There were these donut shaped spaceships outside...he asked me to cause a distraction and leapt out." 

"There's a chance he's fine." Your optimistic heart says out loud but the realist in you thinks, 'But he could be dead.' 

It isn't until 2 days later, when your already broken spirit, because of your father, God, everytim you closed your eyes you could see him fading and his vulnerable voice, saying my name, oh god, was totally scattered to the wind, just like the dust which had made up your soulmate, Peter Benjamin Parker's body. 

When Aunt May(she'd survived and looked like she'd fallen off the Empire State Building and actually landed on the ground. 

Will continue later

Peter Parker/Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now