Obsession (Tom)

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Anybody here watched House Of Anubis?

Your POV:

No, this isn't about an obsession with Tom Holland. Please, as if I was obsessed with my own boyfriend, if anything, he was obsessed with me.

No, this is apparently about my apparenty unhealthy (according to Tom, anyway. And Haz. And Sam. And Harry. And my mum. And my dad. And my dog. But they're all stupid) obsession with T.V couples.


"I hate Toni! Thinks she's all that because she's a female version if Jughead! How could she possibly kiss him? And how could Forsythe let her?" I yelled at the TV and continued to mumble harshly as Tom did a 180°  and went back to the kitchen where he was making popcorn.

"Are you avoiding me too?" I called loudly and I heard the sound of something dropping.

"No!" Tom said, running a hand through his brown hair. "It's just...you.. um.. kind of...well...."

I narrowed my eyes. "I kind of well, what?"

"You...uh-" He looked like he was thinking really hard. Theb his face cleared. "You looked so beautiful I had to catch my breath." He says, coming over and kissing me.

"I love you, Tommy."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He smiled as he kissed me again and then let out a low sigh. Of relief.

"What was that for? The relieved breath." I asked and he looked extremely panicked and right then my attention was wrenched to the screen where Toni and Jughead were having breakfast as Archie and Betty watched them from outside.

"What the-"

"For once, I'm happy with her obsession." Tom muttered but I was too far gone to realise.


"Okay, Harrison and I are staging an intervention for you." Tom announced as I groaned and immediately grabbed the bucket next to our bed to vomit. "Harry and Sam would too but they're in Australia, so."

After I finished puking, I signed and asked, "What for?"

He looked at me with a 'wtf' look.

"You're literally sick and bloody hell, knackered because Jacob and Mina broke up on School Of Anubis." He says as he pushes my hair from the front of my face and I turn to glare at him.

"It's HOUSE Of Anubis and it's JEROME and MARA!" I yelled as I nearly started crying.

"Whatever, babe. I can't handle seeing you like this. It breaks my heart." He says soothingly and I admitted it was kind of sweet but then I burst out, "I don't care what it does to you! Don't you think seeing my ultimate OTP crash and burn in such a ridiculous and out of character way breaks my heart? They made Jerome cheat on MARA after he's been in love with for nearly 2 years. AND made him fall desperately for someone he didn't even pay attention to when the girl was abducted in a matter of a few days. And MARA is not the type to get revenge in such a diabolical way!" I huffed just before I again retched.

"I don't care!" Tom threw his hands up in agony. "It's killing me seen you so depressed." He bent forward and scooped me up in his arms. "Please try to care less. Never thought I'd be saying that to you." He chuckled a little.

"I get so upset over couples-" he looked at me "- Okay, fictional couples because it makes me feel bad that if couples as great as Bughead...-" Tom looked confused  "sorry, uh, Betty and Jughead, Creddie, er, Carly and Freddie, Jara...sorry, Jerome and Mara can break up and be over in such a ridiculous fashion which almost always involves a third party  ....it makes me think-" I took a breath and Tom completed my sentence, "We could, too."

I nodded.

"Listen, love, I'm not stupid enough as those lads...rather as those stupid writers to break up with you. And honestly, it's difficult enough keeping one girl, two would kill me." He joked and I glared. "I love you and I'm never letting you go. Or us to implode. I promise."

"I love you too," I smile and feel immensely guilty because of my secret.

"It wasn't JUST because of Jara breaking up that I'm so.... vomit-y."

He looked at me with an exasperated expression. "What now, (Y/L/N)? A hot fictional person became not hot?"

"No." I say and I moved his hand to my stomach.

"Wha-" he asked in amazement as I smile a little tearfully, "Happy Father's Day, darling."

The look on his face was almost worth the break up of Jara. Almost.

Anyone here watched House Of Anubis? This chapter is actually a real life portrayal of myself righy now. Except, you know, I don't have an amazing boyfriend like Tom and nor am I pregnant. But seriously has anyone watched the show?Also this chapter helped me rant a little. Also the fact that I'm writing a whole book on their (Jara's) future life. No, it's not online. It's just a way of therapy.

Also dm or comment any scenarios.

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