TWENTY NINE. secret's out.

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Selena's eyes fluttered open as she surveyed the room. Her gaze fell upon Eugenia, peacefully asleep with her head nestled against her chest.

With a gentle kiss on Eugenia's cheek, Selena attempted to rouse her from slumber. However, Eugenia remained undisturbed, lost in her dreams.

Chewing on her lip, Selena swung her legs over the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the cool floor. Determined, she made her way towards the closet.

Grabbing a jacket to shield her body from the chill, Selena closed the closet door behind her. Before leaving, she scribbled a heartfelt note for Eugenia and placed it where she would surely find it.

Her eyes drifted towards her finger, where her ring sat proudly. A wide smile spread across her face.

Selena gracefully stepped into the building, ensuring to close the door behind her. With a purposeful stride, she made her way to the room where her meeting awaited, after successfully concluding the meeting, bid them farewell and embarked on her next adventure.

Arriving at the apartment, Selena eagerly reunited with her friends for a delightful lunch and shopping. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories and caught up on each other's lives.

As the group made their way into the elevator, Selena leaned back against the wall, savoring the brief moment of relaxation. Capturing the joyous occasion, she skillfully snapped a picture of the four of them, immortalizing the memory with her trusty phone.

As she gazed down at her ring, a smile spread across her face. Her mother, noticing her excitement, couldn't help but look at the ring on her daughter's hand.

"Is that from Abel?" She asked.

"No, it's not," She replied.

"I know who it's from." Theresa chimed in with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Who's the lucky person?" Mandy asked.

"It's actually from my girlfriend," she revealed.

"Congratulations!" Mandy exclaimed.

"Thank you," She replied.

"You're welcome, sweetie," She responded.

With joy in her heart, she watched as her mother posted the selfie on Instagram. Selena nervously chewed her lip as the doors opened, ready to spend the rest of the day together after she filmed earlier.

 Selena nervously chewed her lip as the doors opened, ready to spend the rest of the day together after she filmed earlier

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The next day, she jumped out of bed, eager to start the day. Grabbing her jacket, she swiftly made her way out of the apartment.

Walking down the sidewalk, she clutched her purse tightly, heading towards the entrance of the church. She walked inside.

 She walked inside

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