The Yellow Sky

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The Tri-Wing shot out of the waterfall and into the night sky. As it soared past the roads at a tremendous speed, he spotted Nightwing on the road in his armoured bike- a rocket-powered motorcycle with a transparent blue dome to protect the driver.
"Bruce." Dick said over he communicator. He levelled the aircraft down, just above the road. "The yellow sky... is that what I think it is?"
"Get in!" Batman ordered, and a large ramp ejected from the back of the Tri-Wing. He rode the motorcycle in, and it close behind him. Robotic arms from the aircraft clamped it into place, and Nightwing ran over to the cockpit. They began soaring through the air again, towards the yellow sky above New York. Dick sat in the chair next to his teacher.
"How long until we get to New York?" He asked. Bruce focused on the skies.
"Fifteen minutes, if we're quick enough." He replied. "I didn't expect them to come this early."
A voice came into the comms in Batman's cowl. He pressed a button on the console in front of him, and the voice was projected across.
"Bat." Spawn said sternly. "They've formed a cloud in front of the Chrysler Building. We don't have much time. We need a plan."
Batman stared at the sky in front of him. "Get onto the Chrysler. Evacuate everyone from the building. Then oppose them. Tell Spider-Man and Rorschach to do the same. We're going to see if we can talk this through."
"You're damned insane!" Simmons exclaimed. "There is no talking out of this!"
Batman scowled. "We're talking this through." He repeated. "That's not a suggestion. It's an order. Evacuate the building then oppose the threat. We are not fighting if there's another solution." He breathed out. "We are not having a repeat of the Parademon invasion."
Al Simmons was quiet for a few moments. Then, he gave in. "Fine. But this won't end well..." The line cut out. Nightwing turned to Batman.
"You really think we can talk our way out of this?" He asked him.
"No, I don't. If they attack us the moment we show ourselves, we'll fight back. But we have to try a more peaceful solution." Bruce explained. "I also don't think we can win this one. Not with these numbers."
Nightwing went quiet. "All cheers and jokes this flight turned out to be..." He mumbled. Batman glared at him.
In thirteen minutes they managed to reach the golden-skied New York City- two minutes quicker than they anticipated. The Chrysler Building faced an enormous floating mass of yellow light. The Tri-Wing shot towards it, and Batman and his protégé ejected from it. They landed on the top of the building, and the aircraft silently circled above. Next to them was the Hellspawn Al Simmons, his dark red cloak blowing in the night breeze. From above swung in Spider-Man in his now infamous red and blue attire. He directed a curt nod at the other three gentlemen.
A grappling hook hit the side of the building, and a man in a brown trench coat and hat zipped up to the ledge shortly after. His black and white ink-blotted mask moved around into different patterns. He stood next to Parker, who put a hand to his nose and took a few small steps towards Batman.
"Bruce." Oracle said to Batman through his commlink. "What is it?"
"What I've been preparing for." He replied. "Stay on the line. We've got activity."
From the glowing yellow mass came some shape. Some of them humanoid, others either too bulky, too thin or too beast-like to be humanoid. As they descended, they became more and more visible. They wore yellow, almost gold uniforms. They all had one of their hands glowing a beautiful yellow. More and more became visible, until the five men opposed sixty hovering soldiers.
Another floated down to the front of them, his skin purple, his hair black. His uniform was different from the others; his was more decorated. Patterns of golden mystique encircled his suit. He smiled at the five of them.
"Gentlemen." He greeted.
"Sinestro, I assume." Batman glared.
"My my, you've been doing research, then." Sinestro's grin widened. "No doubt you learned about us from the incompetent Brainiac. So, what do I have to say to the killer of Darkseid?"
"That it wasn't us." Spidey interjected. "Well... not directly, anyway."
"You phrase it like you're apologetic. This isn't an act out of revenge." Sinestro remarked. One of his soldiers from behind him snickered. "I held no respect for Darkseid. But his loss left a great void- one which we intend to fill." He looked over at Spawn. "But we cannot. There are much stronger forces out there."
"So what are you doing here?" Batman asked sternly. Sinestro smiled. He pointed a finger at Simmons.
"The Hellspawn." He breathed in wonder, almost. "If we unleash his full potential, he could destroy worlds. With him, we could stop every other being without even acting. We could rule the universe through shear terror."
"And you want me?" Spawn said. "Take me, and you'll leave this planet alone?"
"If that is what you wish."
Spawn turned to the others. "Not like we've got much of a choice." He stepped towards Sinestro and his corps.
"Lying." A voice called out. Everyone turned. Rorschach stepped forwards. "You're lying. We hand over Simmons. You take him. Invade anyway."
Sinestro narrowed his eyes at him. "I believe your friend isn't right in the head. I would have no benefit to invading your world."
"You wish to rule through fear." Rorschach stepped right up to face Sinestro. "Invade us as example. Don't deny it."
For the longest time, the two stared at each other. Spawn glared at Sinestro with his bright green eyes and took a few steps back. Then, all of a sudden, a large yellow shield shoved Rorschach backwards and onto his back.
"You will hand over the Hellspawn Al Simmons. This is an order, and it will be the last time I'll ask." He snarled. "There will not be a compromise. Hand it over."
Batman clenched his fists and raised them. "No. Leave this planet and don't come back. I will not ask again."
"Pitiful. You posses no powers, and yet you oppose us. Some misplaced sense of nobleness, I'll assume."
Spider-Man got into a fighting stance. Rorschach got up and took out his grappling gun. Nightwing drew out his escrima sticks. Spawn summoned a ball of green fire into his right hand.
"Fine." Sinestro said, agitated. "Force it is."

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