Prison Break

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The crumbling of the wall was loud, that was for sure. From in the Blackgate Prison air vents on the opposite end of the prison Batman still heard it.
He heard the quick trampling of footsteps. Guards shouting orders to other guards. Mechanical doors opening and closing. Batman turned on the predator vision, and looked for life forms. Only two guards in the hallway below him. He put a finger to his ear.
"Alfred, you do have access to the power supply, right?" He checked.
"Ready sir."
"Good. Turn off the lights from..." Batman opened up the vent slightly and looked out. "Hallway 7C to Cell Block 13. And get rid of the CCTV." Suddenly, all the lights went off.
"What the hell?" One of the guards said in alarm. "What the hell happened to the lights?" The two turned the flashlights on the end of their guns on.
Batman jumped out of the vent and landed on top of one of them, crashing all of his weight onto him. The other turned around in surprise, but Batman grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall before punching him in the face. Keeping predator vision on, he proceeded down the hallway and to the automatic door, which opened for him.
"You sure you couldn't have just asked to have this.... person?" Luke Cage whispered through the comms.
"They would never have let me." Batman answered him, walking down the hallway and past some confused prisoners.
"You're... you're Batman! Why wouldn't they let you, especially with a damned alien invasion?"
"They'd never let me take any inmate out without much of a leash, let alone Him." He explained.
"I'm starting to not like this person."
"Wise choice."
He reached the end of the cell block and through another automatic door. This time, there was only one guard, who dropped his gun in panic when he saw the dim figure of Batman in the door. Before he could shriek, Batman kicked him in the chest and then punched him unconscious on the floor. He searched the guard for a key card, and came out with one. Batman stood up and slid it into the reader, and the door unlocked. From the other side were six guards, who all turned around when they heard the door unlock. It slowly slid open, and Batman quickly dodged down into a floor grate.
The guards looked through the door, and were alarmed to see their colleague unconscious on the floor.
"Holy shi- Conroy is down!" Four of them sprinted over to the body and checked it. "He's still alive! He'll need a paramedic." From underneath them, Batman opened the floor grate slightly and threw a smoke grenade into the middle of the group. It went off, and the four all shouted in surprise.
"We're being attacked! Smoke bo-" the guard let out numerous coughs from inhaling the smoke. Batman jumped out of the grate and kicked him into the wall. He elbowed another and roundhouse kicked the third. The fourth he grabbed by the neck and hit his head against the wall. The second one was getting back up, but Batman kicked him across the face, knock him out. The two inside the other room had their guns trained on the smoke cloud.
"Should we shoot?" One of them asked nervously.
"We could kill one of them. If anything moves out of the cloud and isn't wearing blue, shoot the fuck out of it." The other replied. Batman threw a shock Batarang and hit one of them, stunning one of them. The other turned around to his colleague in surprise, and Batman took advantage of his and sprinted over to him. He grabbed the guard's gun, smahed him in the stomach with it, then hit him across the face with it. He dropped the gun and turned to the lone cell.
"Good performance." The man said doing press-ups. "That was quick. I'm somewhat impressed."
Batman glared at him, and turned off predator vision, since the main lights in the room were on. He put his finger to his ear. "Close the two doors leading to my location just behind me." The two doors behind him slowly closed, and a clicking noise was heard. He turned back to the man behind the bars.
"I've heard what's going in out there." The man said. His hair was grey, his face scarred and worn. He wore a black eyepatch over his right eye and had a strong build. "A real shit-show out there."
"Hopefully, Slade." Batman said to Deathstroke. "You can help with that." Wilson smiled a bit and got up.
"You're out of your damned mind if you think I'll help you. You're the one who put me behind these bars in the first place." He sneered.
"That's what happens when you get yourself aligned with people like the Supreme Knight. And besides- if you're trying to make me believe you've been behind bars all throughout this last year, it's not working."
"Very true." Deathstroke nodded. "But that doesn't change my mind at all, Bat."
"What would you rather?" Batman asked, folding his arms. "Leave us to maybe fail in stopping these invaders and leaving the Earth theirs for total annihilation- leaving you to die in a cell, unable to fight back?" Deathstoke glared. "Or you can help us."
"You're this damn desperate, huh?"
"Your abilities are close to unmatched, Slade. If we succeed, we'll take away more of your jail sentence and move you to a better facility with more privileges."
"You think bribery for a better cell will work? No, Bat. I want out." Slade countered.
"No. I won't set you free- not even now." Batman responded.
"Then if we succeed, you'll have to stop me then."
The two glared at each other for the longest time. Then, Batman put a finger to his ear. "Open cell T-01." Wilson's cell door unlocked. Deathstroke slid it open and stepped outside.
"Glad we could come to an agreement. My personal items are in a storage locker at-" Batman uppercutted him, and then placed a shock device on his neck, rendering him unconscious for the time being.
"Cage." Batman said into his communicator. "You've got his gear?" He picked Deathstroke up and put him over his shoulder.
"Yeah. I'll meet you on the roof." Cage hesitated. "You think we'll be able to keep on a leash?"
"No- but he has no choice but to help us." Batman replied.

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