Invasion of the Sinestro Corps

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It started with a bright flash.
The flash sent Spawn sprawling backwards and off the side of the Tower. Half of the Corps broke from formation and chased after him. Nightwing quickly followed to assist Simmons.
Batman threw the Batarangs at Sinestro, who effortlessly constructed small blades of his own to spin through the air and cut the Batarangs mid flight. He responded my shooting a yellow beam from his finger, which Batman barely dodged. Another one of the Corps created a minigun and rained fire on him, causing him to jump off the side of the building.
Rorschach grabbed Sinestro's foot with his grapple gun and pulled him towards Spider-Man with a loud grunt. Spidey kicked him across the face, but Sinestro quickly recovered. He floated above them, his hand glowed, and he flew to the side. A yellow, constructed train came speeding towards them. Spidey sensed it, however, and grabbed Rorschach with his webs and pulled him off the building with him.
Batman quickly glided to another, smaller building next to the Chrystler- an apartment block. He landed and slid across the rooftop, barely missing the gigantic weights the Corps were dropping on him. He quickly took an Electric Batarang out of his belt, turned around and hit one of the Corps- a yellow-skinny creature of some kind-directly in the chest. He yelled, and dropped down to the rooftop unconscious. The other two following him constructed shields in front of their bodies and continued chasing him.
Batman was coming to the end of the apartment. He saw Spider-Man swinging towards him, barely dodging attacks from other Corps members himself. Spidey saw him and nodded, and flipped through the air. Batman jumped off the building, and Spidey caught his wrist with a web and pulled him along with him.
"Got a plan?" Parker yelled to him. Batman didn't reply- not like he could. Another Corps member flew around the side of a building and fired an energy blast at them. Peter threw Batman through a large pane of glass and into a large office building. The Spider ran along the side of the building and leapt off, dodging the Corps again. He swung out of view San away from the building, taking all of the Corps members chasing them with him.
Batman walked slowly to the smashed window and looked over the city. It was being torn apart. Figures of yellow light darted from street to street, destroying roads and buildings. Sinestro remained on the Chrystler with a few more of his Corps members.
"Barbara." Batman breathed. "I..."
"Bruce, there's nothing any of you can do." Oracle shouted down the communicator, almost like an order. "Get out of the city, for god's sake!"
For the first time, Batman was speechless. "We can't let them destroy the city."
"THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!" Barbara repeated. "Don't let them drag Earth's last defence with it. Leave. We need to buy time to prepare for this!"
"THESE ARE PEOPLE, BARBARA!" Batman shouted back. "I am NOT letting them destroy the city!"
"BRUCE, FOR ONCE, LIST-!" Batman shut off the line. He turned on another one.
"Dick!" Batman shouted. "Peter! Al! What's going on out there?!"
"City's gone." Rorschach said over the line. "Being torn up. Invaders too strong for any of us."
"Where's Spawn?!"
"He vanished into a building. Bastards are turning the roads over for him." Came Spidey's voice. A pause. "Plan?"
"I..." Batman sighed. He looked over the city again. He had to make a decision. "Try and get ahold of the others. We need to leave." He looked down with shame.
"You're... what?" There was something in Parker's voice. Something of maybe disbelief, of shock, of realisation- but before Peter could talk again, Batman spoke up again.
"WE NEED TO PULL OUT." He said sternly. "There are too many for five of us to handle. We need to lose the city and hide from the Corps for more time." He pressed a few buttons on his gauntlet. "I'm bringing the Tri-Wing around now. Do NOT hesitate. We need to get out of here." Before Batman could hear a response, he cut the line. The Tri-Wing flew around and stopped right in front of Bruce. He jumped into the open cockpit, and flew towards the fire and smoke.

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