Final Rendevous

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Spider-Man was lounging on the Batcomputer's armchair, feet up and on the desk and mask alongside them. The Batwing emerged from behind the waterfall and landed at the landing pad. Out of it came Luke Cage holding a briefcase, and Batman, who was pushing forward a man in handcuffs and a blindfold. They approached the Batcomputer, and Alfred backed out of sight. Nightwing narrowed his eyes at the blindfolded man. Barbara emerged from another platform, putting on her cowl. Spider-Man stood up and put his mask on. Batman removed the blindfold from the man, removing Slade Wilson. Nightwing suddenly widened his eyes and took out his escrima sticks. Batgirl raised her fists into a readied position. Wilson looked at Grayson and smiled almost.
"We've met before, haven't we? A couple of times, I believe." He said.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Dick gritted his teeth. "You cannot be serious."
"I don't like it either. But we need him." Batman sighed.
"Again, flattering. As are these bonds." Deathstroke said.
"Br- Batman... he's an assassin. A mercenary. A damn killer!" Nightwing protested, stepping forwards. "Sure, I'll accept Rorschach and his... colleague, but not Wilson."
"You don't understand how useful he could be."
"I understand how dangerous he will be- that's all I need." He sighed. "What if he escapes?"
"He won't." Batman quickly turned his head to Slade. "I won't let him."
"I..." Nightwing was hesitant. "Can we talk over there for a few seconds?"
Batman turned to Cage. "Make sure he doesn't move an inch." Luke nodded. Bruce and Dick walked over to another platform, in front of the suit chambers.
"Bruce..." Dick whispered. "I don't like a lot of the decisions you're making, okay? First you recruit a known psychopath, then you let a city and plenty surrounding it get burned to the ground, then you allow the recruitment of another nutjob- then you get the help of a known assassin? Not only that, but the most dangerous assassin on the planet."
"Dick." Bruce replied. "I don't like any of this either. I'm angry that it's come to this. Don't think I'll ever forgive myself for anything I've done in the last 24 hours. But it's either this or no world at all. I hope you understand that. Trust me, if I had any other option, I would. But these people- criminal as they may be, can be crucial in fighting against the Corps."
"I..." Dick sighed again. "Just make sure this is all cleaned up after this whole... incident, okay?"
"Of course, Dick." Batman gave a half-smile and a nod to him, and the two walked back to the main platform.
"Wilson." Batman said to Deathstroke. "I'm going to undo your cuffs. Try anything..."
"I'm no idiot, Bat." Slade rolled his eye, holding his cuffed hands out. Batman undid them, and stepped backwards.
"Now put your armour on." Bruce pointed to the suitcase Cage was holding, who undid it and placed it on the ground, revealing his orange and blue armour- a mixture of plating to protect arms, legs, and the vital organs, and scales to act as the under amour. The masked held was split down the middle with one side completely blue and with no eyehole, the other orange with an eyehole. Deathstroke turned to Batman.
"Where are my weapons?" He narrowed his eye.
"You'll get them on the way there." He turned to his allies. "Keep an eye on him. If he suddenly does anything out of order..."
"Kick his ass." Nightwing finished, glaring at Slade.
Batman walked to the Batcomputer, and pressed a few buttons. On the screen came wavelength patterns, and Spawn's voice.
"Batman." Simmons said. "It's all set. Castle has his gear and weapons all ready, and I'm ready to teleport us all back."
"Good. Teleport to the top of Wayne Tower when I tell you to." He cut off the voice line, and opened another tab. This time, a live feed came on of a military general, troops sprinting behind him, vehicles moving around.
"Batman." He nodded. "Rick Flag here. The evacuation is going somewhat smoothly, but there are still some people left on the streets- mainly due to them refusing to come along. Looters, I imagine."
"There's no time left to evacuate the remaining people. We need the military at full defensive readiness. The Corps will come soon, but we're calling them to Gotham. I hope you and your men are ready."
"As always, sir." Flag saluted him, and he cut the line. Batman raised a finger to his ear, as Jim Gordon's voice came through.
"We've got a few squads of SWAT left, as well as some voluntary members of the regular force." He said. "All in all, just below a hundred people."
"It was good of you to stay, Jim. But this is dangerous. Very dangerous, I can't guarantee you'll-"
"I signed onto the force knowing the risks." He let out a laugh. "I'll admit, though. Fighting an alien invasion is one hell of a way to go."
"We'll best them, Jim. I have some more... allies. We're more prepared. For them."
"I hope you're right." Gordon replied, and Batman cut the line. He turned to his allies. "Wilson, leave your helmet off." He took out the blindfold out again. Wilson rolled his eye.
"Seriously?" He sighed, but let Batman put it on, as well as the handcuffs.
"Nightwing." He said to Dick. "Escort Wilson to the Tri-Wing." Dick grunted in response, but did so. Ahead of them, the mechanical arms around the Tri-Wing had finished repairs.
"So." Spidey said to Batman. "This might be it."
"Might be." Batman emphasised.
"Are you sure we'll beat them?"
"I..." Batman hesitated. "I don't know."
"Well, for what it's worth." Spider-Man held out his hand. "It's been an honour, Bats." The two shook hands, and Spidey proceeded to follow Nightwing and Slade to the Tri-Wing, closely followed by Luke Cage and Batgirl.
"Bruce." Alfred said from behind Batman. He turned around to his old friend.
"I... don't make this my last memory of you, son." He smiled at Bruce.
"It won't be, Alfred- don't worry." He let out a sad smile to Alfred, and the turned to the Tri-Wing, and began walking towards it.
"Oh, and... Bruce?"
Batman stopped and turned around to Alfred once again.
"Your parents would be so, so proud of you."
Bruce let out another sad smile. "Thank you, Alfred. I'll see you on the other side."
He entered the Tri-Wing and walked to the cockpit, closing the door behind him. The aircraft slowly lifted up, and shot out of the cave.

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