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The Dream Machine

by Bullwinkle's Lady



One Screen.

In living room.

Part 1

"But... How?"

Naruto, Choji, Kiba, Sakura, Ino, Lee, Shino, Shikamaru, Hinata, Neji, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, Tenten, and Sasuke; all ranging from ages sixteen to seventeen, stared at Kakashi with blank looks upon their faces.

Kakashi sighed. He had been prepared for such a question. The jounin pulled out a pointer.

After countless charts, surveys, graphs, and diagrams, the gray-haired shinobi some how managed to explain to the twelve teenagers just how he had gotten all of their dreams of the previous night on tape.

'I have no idea what he said, but I'll pretend that I do anyway.' Everyone thought.


"I see."

"That makes perfect sense..."


In a matter of moments the large group had made their way to a living room. What living room you ask? No one really knows. It was just a living room, with a large couch, a wide screen television, and warm bowls of popcorn conveniently lying around.

Did I dream last night? Naruto wondered, taking a place on the couch and kicking his sandals off. Foul odors drifted across the room.

Hinata, who didn't really mind Naruto's many surprising odors, took a seat beside him. She blushed, remembering the various dreams that she'd had the previous night, and prayed that Kakashi hadn't recorded one in particular.

As Sakura sat down on the other side of the couch, the Uchiha took a seat on the ground in front of her, his back against her legs as he absently leaned on them. Both silently tried to remember the dreams that they'd had the previous night, just in case something - ah - inappropriate popped onto the screen.

Kami, I can't believe I forgot... thought Sakura, biting her fingernails.

This is a violation of privacy, the Uchiha thought, glaring at the back of Kakashi's head.

As Neji, Tenten, and Lee stood behind the couch (what with the easy access to the exit), Shikamaru and Choji took seats on the ground close to the television screen. Ino also sat on the floor, more near the couch, and Shino brooded in a nice shadowy corner. Lastly, Kiba stood on the ceiling above the couch, while Akamaru curled up beside it.

"Ready?" asked Kakashi, smirking behind his mask.

As some responded with snake-like hisses, others released reluctant yeahs. Hinata hid her face behind her fingers, and Sakura sighed, still unable to remember just what she had dreamed about the previous night.

Using all of his will power not to hop up and down, Kakashi turned off the lights. He leaned down near the television, his pointer finger shaking in excitement as it landed on the PLAY button of the VCR. "I believe the first dream is Naruto's," he muttered, as he moved to stand beside the television.

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