Ino... I Think?

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Neji simply turned back to the screen, smirking as he listened to Lee's occasional shrieks of pain, and watched as the next dream commenced.


The sky was blood red, as was the sea. The world was in shambles, as beggars scrambled, and the sickly scurried about Konoha, hiding in fear of their new Hokage.

A veiled figure walked down the road, narrowed eyes darting everywhere. "I want BLOOD!" A low voice hissed.

Living room:

Everyone watched the screen in silence. Sakura sunk to the ground, covering her face as someone screamed for mercy on the television. Sasuke barely noticed as he pulled her face against his shoulder, his own wide eyes stuck on the screen.


"No please..." The young man begged. "My mother, she's dying. If I don't bring her this water, she'll-" He abruptly stopped when a gloved fist was shoved through his stomach. Gurgling noises emitted from his mouth, as globs of blood burst up from his throat.

Living room:

Hinata felt her fingers clutch onto someone's shirt as she hid her face in his chest. Her body cringed at the desperate screams coming from to dream, and her eyes beginning to water. When she heard the dream finally end, she slowly looked up into warm blue eyes.

"It's all right, Hinata-chan," Naruto said gently.

Blushing furiously, Hinata nodded, as she quickly pulled away from him. She embarrassedly looked away, to see that everyone was either sniffling as they wiped their eyes, or continuing to stare in shock at the blank television screen. And slowly, all eyes turned to a certain someone.

Upon noticing the stares, Neji scowled. "It - wasn't - my - dream!" he said, through gritted teeth.

Kakashi was slowly shaking his head. "Actually," he muttered. "It was... Ino's."

Twelve shocked pairs of eyes turned to the girl in question. Her face immediately turned blue. "There's - there's gotta be a mistake!" she said.

Ino was left ignored as everyone slowly edged away from her. Kakashi, quite scared, quickly shifted his eyes back to the television.


A small blonde six-year-old girl sat in her room playing with dolls. Beside her was a pouting pink-haired girl. The blonde girl stared at her friend for a moment, before sighing. "Alright. You can have this one," she said, handing one of her dolls over to the other girl.

The pink-haired girl grinned happily, causing the blonde to weakly smile back. "Let be best friends forever. Ok?"

"Ok!" the other girl agreed.

Living room:

Everyone turned to the dark corner of the room, warm smiles on their faces.

"Nice dream Shino," Kakashi complemented. "Very sane of you."

"Short and sweet," Kiba agreed.

"It brings a tear to my eye," sniffed Sakura. "And those girls seem so familiar."

"Who were they by the way?" Tenten asked.

"Uh..." said Shino. "My sisters?" he lied.

Ino slapped herself, which earned her quite a few stares from the others. "That wasn't Shino's dream! That was —"

"Be quiet, crazy girl, the next dream is starting," said Shikamaru with a smirk.


"You may now kiss the bride."

Naruto stared down at his new wife, her hands clasped tightly in his. "I love you," he mumbled softly.

Hinata stared back up at him, her eyes watering, and her cheeks pink. "I love you too," she whispered, as Naruto leaned down, and his lips met hers.

Living room:

Hinata felt as though her face was going to explode. As all of the girls in the room gushed, bursting into tears, or releasing never ending "awwwww"s, the men in the room fidgeted uncomfortably, glancing in every direction except for the romantic scene on the television. Well, expect for Naruto, who was frozen in shock as he stared at the screen.

Hinata hid her face behind her fingers, waiting for Naruto to recoil in disgust.

But he never did.

Because he was...blushing?


When their kiss had ended, the couple held each other in a tight embrace, weak smiles covering both of their faces, as the enormous crowd of well wishers and family members exploded into applause.

Naruto pulled away from his wife, playfully pinching one of her flushed cheeks. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I've gotta go now. I have a mission."

Hinata blinked. "What do you mean?" she asked, staring back at her husband. She blinked again, and he had disappeared. "N-Naruto?" Hinata quickly turned around, desperately searching. "Naruto!" Hinata's gaze fell onto the crowd, as people rose, laughing and gossiping, as they gathered themselves and prepared to leave. They took little notice of her dilemma.

Hinata slowly dropped to her knees, the skirts of her wedding dress billowing on the ground around her. Sitting on her heals, with her face in her hands, she cried.

Living room:


By the end of the dream, Hinata noticed that Naruto's hand had found hers. Biting her bottom lip, she slowly she looked up into his confused face.

And in his eyes...there was also concern.

Naruto's free hand raised to touch her cheek. "Why are you crying?" he asked her.

The heiress had barely noticed that a tear had fallen from her eyes. She closed them, before she weakly smiled, and lightly shook her head. "I'm not crying," she managed, her blush deepening.

Naruto watched her uncertainly for a moment, before he grinned and nodded. "Hai." His eyes turned back to the screen, a tiny blush tinting his own cheeks. "I think that the next one's starting."

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