Hinata... Wow...

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"Here's anotner one of Hina-hime's. Should be nice." Kakashi said.

On Screen:
"Help, someone help me." Neji came rushing. "Hinata, what's wro-" His head came rolling, Hinata smirked then wiped her fake tears.

"I'm in charge now, ha, ha, fucking ha." Hinata sat on top of a chair, in her lap was the head of Hiashi. Kiba and Shino standing beside her, while Kurenai was dealing with the last of the rebels.

"I rule the the world, oh fucking yeah, they didn't see this coming. It was almost too easy." She stood in a tight black dress that showed all her curves and had a slit at her right thigh.

"Shikamaru." She ordered. "My loyal spy, any news." He gulped. Hinata, noticing his hesitant reaction, chuckled. "Unless you want something to..." That was all she needed to say for Shikamaru to start spilling.

"Sakura called Ino a pig, a traitor, and a slut and raised her hand against your little sister."

Hinata's eyes darkened. "I see, Shikamaru, how many times have I given her a pass after she tried to harm my sister and friend?"

"Around five times, Lady Hinata."

"Don't you think it's about time she got her punishment? Get one of the Akatsuki to give her a slow and painful death, you're dismissed."

"Yes ma'am." With that Shikamaru disappeared, and Hinata sat back down, a high-pitched scream was heard and Hinata started to evily chuckle.

Living Room:

"I stand corrected." Kakashi said as a sweat drop ran down his forehead.

"Oh no. My plan" Hinata whispered. Everyone looked at her shocked. When she realised they were staring, she tried to explain herself
"I was just kidding, y-you know, t-to lighten the m-mood."

They started to fake laugh as Gaara, Shino, and Sasuke smirked.
Hinata turned and started to march to Neji. "Y-you be-believe me right?"

Neji letting go of all his pride, screamed all girly like, running to the other side of the room next to Kakashi. "Don't touch me" He squealed.

Hinata sighed and went back to her spot sulking.

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