N-neji! Squeak.

414 25 61

The Dream Machine

by Bullwinkle's Lady



On Screen.

In Living room.

Part 4

Naruto watched her uncertainly for a moment, before he grinned and nodded. "Hai." His eyes turned back to the screen, a tiny blush tinting his own cheeks. "I think that the next one's starting."


A young man jumped down from a roof top, landing crouched down so that his hands could rest against the road. The air was dark, the single source of light being the full moon in the sky.

A black ANBU tattoo upon his felt shoulder, the man wore a hawk's mask on his face. He slowly straightened his knees as he muttered, "C'mon."

He was suddenly surrounded by those who had been pursuing him. Each figure of a man was an identical shadow, as a dozen of them charged at him at once.

Long hair swishing with his movement, the ANBU captain's elbow smashed a man's nose, as his fist collided with another's stomach. In a matter of moments, he was surrounded by dead bodies, each of which he had taken down in seconds.

With a sigh, the man pulled off his mask, to reveal a tired-eyed, weakly smirking, Hyuuga Neji. Hanging his mask from a holder on his belt, he brought his pointer fingers flat together, the remaining ones intertwined, before he disappeared into a swish of air and a poof of smoke.

-And reappeared within the kitchen of the Hyuuga main house.

"Ever since I killed off the head family, life couldn't be better," Neji sighed, opening the refrigerator.

Living room:

As Hinata cringed slightly, everyone else gave Neji odd looks. The Hyuuga prodigy meanwhile smirked proudly at himself on the television.


Neji pulled an enormous salami out of the refrigerator, sinking his teeth into it, but freezing when he heard someone address him from behind.

"You're going to spoil your dinner, dear."

Unlocking his jaw from the slab of meat, Neji slowly turned around to look at his doting wife, Tenten. Beside her was his father Hizashi (who had been revived by science), and his perfect son, who was identical to himself, Neji Jr.

"Hai, hai." Muttered Neji, throwing the salami back into the refrigerator, before approaching his wife to give her a soft kiss on the forehead.

Living room:

As everyone in the room stared, twitching, from Hizashi to Neji Jr; Tenten blushed faintly, playfully punching Neji in the shoulder. Neji's eyes, however, remained on the screen.


Neji turned to his eight-year-old son. "How's my boy doing?" he asked.

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