Naruto... Again...

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They lived in a dark, terrible world, one in which the sun simply refused to rise.

Naruto struggled against the guards holding his arms, but was dragged into the Hokage tower, grunting in protest. When he had been ushered into that grand office and thrown to the floor, he slowly looked up, glaring at the man seated before him. Uchiha Sasuke was perched behind the desk, wearing the pointy white Hokage hat, and staring coldly down at him.

Living room:

Naruto paled. What a nightmare! "Teme..." he growled, turning his head to glare at the Uchiha.

But Sasuke ignored him, the hint of amusement crossing his lips.


"Don't be rude," the Hokage growled. "Greet my wives!"

"Go to hell," Naruto returned, as Sakura and Hinata entered the office from a door on the right.

Both girls were dressed in skimpy, too-small sting bikinis, displaying Sakura's lean body and Hinata's voluptuous physique. They giggled as they approached the Uchiha. They looked like goddesses, their precariously tied spaghetti straps threatening to loosen at any moment.

Living room:

Naruto had instantly developed a nosebleed, as had Lee, Chouji, Kankuro, Kiba (to be slapped by Tenten), and Shikamaru (to be cuffed by Temari). Neji's eye simply twitched, and Sasuke was suspiciously clutching his face with both hands. Many of their eyes had darted hungrily to Hinata-

-whose face had turned a nasty shade of fuschia.

Sakura pushed herself off the wall, cracking her knuckles. "Naruto..."

"It wasn't me!" the blonde shrieked as her fist collided with his skull.


Upon the wall were nude portraits of women, some appearing to be at the height of orgasm. The dream Naruto and Sasuke seemed oblivious of the highly sexual atmosphere.

"So you thought you could hide from me," the Uchiha muttered, glaring hatefully down at Naruto. "But I knew I'd find you eventually," he smirked. Idly, Sasuke pulled Hinata into his lap. She giggled as his hand slid up and down her thigh.

Living room:

Hinata fainted, and Sasuke continued to clutch his face as though he had just been punched in the nose. Kankuro knocked over the punch and collapsed to the ground in a pool of blood, and Sakura had taken to strangling Naruto, whose face was slowly turning purple.

...but his nose continued to bleed...


"Throw him in jail with the others!" ordered Sasuke, casually running his tongue along Hinata's shoulder. Sakura, meanwhile, draped her arms around his neck.

"Nooo!" Naruto yelled, as he was again dragged away.

He was taken down several flights of stairs until they had reached the basements of the Hokage tower. The place was dark, damp, and stank of blood. The sound of dripping water echoed along the corridors, each which were lined with jail cells. Naruto watched the figures within them dart in and out of the shadows.

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