Sakura... The Puke Container is in The Left.

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The Dream Machine

by Bullwinkle's Lady



On Screen.

In living room.

Part 2

"All right, I believe this one is Sakura's," Kakashi mentioned, the screen going black, before opening upon a new scene.


The two stood in front of Sakura's house, both faintly blushing.

"That was...a really nice date," mumbled Sakura, gazing up at the Uchiha, her emerald eyes sparkling.

"Yeah," muttered Sasuke, staring back down at her. He briefly glanced away as he muttered, "Sakura, can I...kiss you?"

Living room:

As Sasuke stiffened, Sakura's face turned bright red. She hid it in her hands, wishing that the living nightmare would end.

As half the room released evil cackles, others like Neji simply smirked, shaking their heads. Some let out endless, "Awww"s, while a few of the shy ones blushed and glanced away, suddenly interested in the floor's carpeting.


After sharing a loving kiss, Sasuke and Sakura broke apart. Still blushing, the kunoichi looked down at her feet as she mumbled, "Do you want to come in... For coffee?"

Living room:

Everyone burst into laughter, clutching their sides. Sakura wished only to fade much like she had done in Naruto's dream. An odd tic had developed upon one of Sasuke's pink-tinted cheeks. He sunk his fingernails into the rug, unconsciously clawing out carpet fibers, his stunned eyes remaining upon the television screen.


The Uchiha grinned evilly. "Sure."

Living room:

"Hentai!" screeched Naruto.


In a tangle of limbs, the two stumbled into Sakura's apartment. They soon reached the bedroom, never once breaking the embrace.

Sakura was dropped onto the bed as Sasuke struggled with his belt. "I've wanted this since I first met you," he muttered.

"Take me now," whispered Sakura, ripping opened her-


Living room:

A blue-faced Kakashi, holding the remote, stared oddly at Sakura.

The pink-haired girl, meanwhile, continued to hide her beet red face in her hands. Kakashi had turned the television off a second too late.

"Since he first met you... Didn't you guys meet when you were eight?" an uninterested Shikamaru decided to mention.

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