Kankuro... Could Happen

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"Well, here's Kankuro" Kakashi spoke as he pushed the play button.

On Screen:

"I killed all the Suna nin, I've completed your orders master. I also put a Pink-haired-whore in prison, I thought you'd want the disgusting honor of killing her." Kankuro kneeled.

"Good, that was faster than I expected. You'll be exceeding me in no time." A dark voice came from the shadows and Sasori came into view.

Living Room:

Everyone's eyes turned to him. Kankuro gulped. "I swear, to the creator of puppets, I don't have anything like that planned."

"We've nought said anything." Gaara said as the group and he finally turned back to the T.V. Sakura shivered and went to sit closer to Naruto. 'Just in case.' She thought.

"... Yet" Mumbled Kankuro.
"I'm sure your's will be worst."

On screen:

"Gaara, children, lunch is made and if you finish all of it you can get cookies." Hinata said smiling to twins, one boy with red hair the other with a dark navy, both having the Hyuga bloodline.

Living Room:

"Awn" Ino said. They all looked towards Gaara, who stayed indifferent, and Hinata, who tried to shrink into her jacket.

"W-what?" Kankuro sputtered in cunfusion.

On Screen:

"Mom." Spoke the twins.
You said Otou-san could finally show is the room today."

"I did say that, didn't I. Hmm... Do you want to see it after lunch or before?"
Hinata asked.

The twins looked at each other, their stomachs growled. Decideing they could last without seeing it for another hour they giggled. "After!"

A hour later:

The twins entered the room with their father. "Hey!" The blue-haired one shouted as he picked up two blue eyeballs. "This belongs to Naruto doesn't it? The one you'd tell us bed time stories about."

"Yeah. He was a difficult one." Gaara said as he looked up as if remebering something. As the room got less dim, everything was more clear. Red was all over, you could make out a few hearts thatwere torn out and had the blood sueezed out of them and cut up peices of humans.

Living Room:

"Not awn, not awn." Ino screamed as she ran to the nearest garbage to vomit. Naruto squeaked and ran to sit next to Kakashi. Kankuro started jumping up and down. "Told you so! I was right!"

Temari rolled her eyes, hitting the cat-suit-guy on the head, so he'd calm down.

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