Chapter 11

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Stacy couldn't help the tears streaming down her face as she laid on her sofa. A huge weight had been lifted off her chest that morning. She felt relieved. Explaining herself to Cynthia somehow made her feel less filthy. Less like the scum of society. Just slightly cleaner. Telling her backstory made her sins more forgivable.

What could she have done? She was 18 and desperate. So, grabbed the first opportunity she got to help herself survive. And things snowballed from there.

Sometimes she wished she could explain her story to all the people that gave her funny looks whenever she spoke about her profession. She wished she could tell them it wasn't her fault, that it wasn't her life's mission to ruin marriages, that she wasn't a bad person.

Cynthia didn't seem to judge her too much. She seemed to trust her on the get-go. She trusted her with her marriage struggles and even with her child. Stacy felt like she was stealing. Stealing love and acceptance that didn't belong to her. What had she done to deserve someone like Cynthia? A decent woman with a proper background, a good education, a family.

She had to help Cynthia. She didn't deserve a bastard like her husband. She was too good for him.

Stacy reached for her laptop and started researching marital laws. She wanted to know the perfect way to bring the bastard down.

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