Chapter 15

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"You still remember how to dance from back in your stripping days?" Cynthia was standing at the window in Cynthia's room. She shifted her weight to her right leg, and moved her left leg slightly away from her right, parting her thighs. Her fingers found their way to her V-neck, and her exposed cleavage. And they stayed there, caressing the lace of her bra.

"Of course. Runs in the blood remember." Stacy looked up from her laptop and saw Cynthia's stance. She recognized it immediately, knew what it meant. She has seen it before. Back at the club, when one of her girls had spent the entire night displaying her most seductive self without being picked, they would get the same stance. Misdirected arousal. Misappropriated desires.

Perhaps she shouldn't have made her narration of the sessions so detailed. Perhaps she had given Cynthia the wrong ideas. Her profession was nothing to be desired. She was only lucky to have so much control in her situation, but millions of women out there had a different fate. Millions had to live on the dark and sickening side of prostitution, the side with abuse and misuse. She had to correct herself. "But you know, those are not skills I'm proud to have. It's trash work."

"What are you talking about? I want you to show me some moves. How do I get my hips to sway so smoothly?" Cynthia replied.

"No, you don't want to. Trust me. There's nothing good to it."

"Oh, come on. It's not like I'm planning to add to your competition pool. I just want to learn a couple of tricks." Cynthia walked over to Stacy, pulled the laptop from her hands and said, "We'll finish this later. Let's play some music and you teach me how to dance."

Stacy rubbed her forehead, "Cynthia, I made a mistake. I gave you the wrong idea about what I do. It's not good. There's nothing glorious to it. It's dark and dangerous."

"I know. But I've been playing it safe my whole life. I want to live a little. It's not like I'm going to join the strip club down the street in two days. I just want to revive my bad side a little, if you know what I mean." At that, she winked at Stacy and clicked play on the track she had found.

"Okay, I will teach you only if you promise me two things: first promise me you'll watch Whore's Glory with me."

"Is that a movie about prostitutes?"


"Okay sure."

"And, promise me you'll give me some book recommendations."

"No problem." Cynthia turned up the volume on the music, kicked her shoes off, and tried to sway her hips like she had seen girls do in those movies.

"No, it's not like that!" Cynthia laughed. "You have to arch your back, and don't let your legs be so stiff. Just relax..."

And so, they began their dance session. Whenever Cynthia would mess up, they would break into laughter. Stacy would show the move again, and say some encouraging words. Cynthia would repeat the move in an unnecessarily oversexualized way. And they would tumble in laughter again.

 And they would tumble in laughter again

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