Chapter 9

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"Mary, go play with your brother," Stacy said to the cheerful six-year-old on her lap. Deep in her heart, Stacy felt undeserving of this girl's instant love for her. As soon as she had walked into the house the girl smiled at her and greeted her with the sweetest "Hello." When she was helping Cynthia finish the cleaning, the girl still followed her and whenever Stacy looked down, Mary would flash that bright smile of hers.

Now they were in the living room and Stacy had picked her up to her lap. She didn't even know what she was supposed to do. She decided to ask the girl how school was and apparently that was enough. The girl set off to talking about all her friends and her teachers and her toys. And ever, so often she would ask one of her innocent questions, "Should I let Anne play with my Barbie? It's my favorite one and the other day I saw her drop hers. I don't want her to drop mine."

And Stacy would answer, "Well, you should tell her to take very good care of your Barbie because you like it very much. She should take more care of yours than she does hers." And the girls would continue narrating her school experiences.

Cynthia, who had been in the kitchen putting some lunch into the oven, joined them in the living room and was contributing to answering the little girl's questions. But then Cynthia reminded Stacy that she hadn't told her how she got into her job, and since it was no conversation for a kid, Stacy had to send Mary to her brother.

"But can I come back later?" The girl asked.

"Of course, you can," Stacy answered, and the girl, whose face had momentarily soured, smiled again.

When the girl had left, Stacy said, "You might want to grab a snack for this one. It's going to be a long one," and winked at Cynthia

"Haha not at all. If it's interesting it's never long enough. And your story is definitely interesting."

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