Chapter 26

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"We got the deed for the lodge, and yes, it was predated. He purchased the lodge in November of 2006. That was five months before our wedding." It was 10:00 a.m. on the following Monday and Cynthia was speaking to the gentlemen that was going to represent her in the divorce proceedings. She already had a liking for Mr. Buckler. He seemed to care about the case as if it involved him personally, as if it wasn't just another paycheck for him.

"That's fantastic. And you say at the time of signing he hired a lawyer for you?" asked Mr. Buckler.

"Yes. I didn't know any lawyer and he said he would get one for me." Cynthia responded.

"And who knows what he told the guy to tell her. Anything to get her to sign probably." Stacy chimed in.

"We can argue that you did not receive adequate representation at the time of signing. It's looking good, but for all this evidence to work well, we need to catch them by surprise. We can't give his lawyer time to find a loophole in any of our evidence. When he comes to the negotiations, he needs to think nothing of it. He needs to be of the impression that it's just an extravagant procedure. Then we lay out our evidence."

"That sounds like a plan. But how should I present the divorce documents to him? What should I tell him? That we're just beginning to have irreconcilable differences?" Cynthia asked.

Mr. Buckler wore a pensive expression on his face as he replied, "He seems to me like a man who likes pretenses. He's obviously no longer into the marriage, but I'm guessing he wants to make it seem like he's in a happy marriage."

"He won't accept it easily. And you said he's planning a business deal with the infamous Mr. Akula? The last thing he would want is to scare the big dog away with a divorce scandal." Stacy said.

"I think you should make it seem like you're taking all the blame for how things turned out. Tell him you think you just can't be the best wife for him or something. You can even go on a spiel about where you think you could have done better, maybe with the kids or with the house or anything. That way, he'll think he can go around telling everyone you just weren't ready for marriage or not strong enough. Make him think that he can scapegoat you in the whole divorce, and be the victim."

"That's brilliant!" Stacy exclaimed. "He will have no idea that you're practically dragging him to a mud fest."

"If I just remind him of all the times I wasn't good enough," Cynthia added air quotes to good enough, "he will leave convinced that I'm a mistake of a wife."

"Genius!" Stacy could hardly contain her excitement. "All we need now is to get evidence that he's cheating." Thinking back to the time she handed Andrew her card, Stacy added, "And I don't think that will be too difficult."

"Alright then. I will be preparing all the paperwork and you two get to set up everything else," said Mr. Buckler. "Do you want to meet again before you serve him the papers?"

"Umh... I don't know. I guess we'll see how things turn out. We'll call and update you on everything. Otherwise, thanks for all your help today. You've been," Cynthia paused and nodded, then finished with, "tremendously helpful."

"No problem, Ms. Lancaster," he responded.

 Lancaster," he responded

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