Chapter 32

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"He was your friend. He clearly had a conflict of interest and couldn't have represented my client properly. My client was a young college graduate that understood little about the law, and we argue that your lawyer did not properly explain to her the ramifications of signing this contract." Mr. Buckler leaned back in his chair as he finished his statement. Brian, who was seated on the opposite side of the conference table had the look of pure irritation on his face. Andrew was next to Brian and he looked as if he had heard someone say gorillas can fly.

"If you put it that way, then nobody would ever have proper legal representation," Brian said in an exasperated tone. "Of course, lawyers know people. They are social beings just like everyone else and they have acquaintances. Just because Cynthia's previous lawyer knew Andrew doesn't mean he was conflicted. By that logic, all lawyers would have to be hermits to be able to represent clients."

"If you say they were mere acquaintances, you'll have to prove that." Mr. Buckler retorted. "For all we know, they were best buddies that drank together every night."

This time it was Andrew that rolled his eyes saying, "Oh come on! I hadn't seen the guy since high school. I just met him at a reunion and remembered Cynthia needed a lawyer." Then turning to Cynthia, " Cynthia, I even told you this. I told you that same evening. I met this lawyer kid and I think he could explain the contract to you. Cynthia isn't that what happened. Tell the truth now. Didn't I tell you I just met the guy?"

"Please don't speak directly to my client," Mr. Buckler responded before Cynthia could. "If you need anything answered, you ask me. And no, we can't take your word for it. You could have been lying to Cynthia back then and you may be lying even now. We still argue that you misled Cynthia into signing the prenup by letting her be represented by your friend."

"Okay!" Brian put his hand up. "Let's say the lawyer was Andrew's friend. At that point, Cynthia was already an independent adult and she consented to be represented by this lawyer. She wasn't forced into accepting him. As a mature adult, she agreed to have him represent her. And if she thinks he misrepresented her, she should take it up with him. Sue him for misrepresentation. How he represented her doesn't affect the validity of the contract."

"But Andrew is the one that hired this lawyer to represent her. He paid for the billables, so this was his lawyer. Therefore, Cynthia did not have the independent," Mr. Buckler put emphasis on the word independent, "legal representation that is her right to have at the signing of a prenup. Mr. Lancaster here, for all we know, could have had two lawyers representing his interests. One representing him and the other one falsely representing Cynthia."

At this point, Andrew whispered into Brian's ear for a few seconds.

Brian then said, "According to my client, the money that was used to pay for the lawyer's legal fees was placed in Cynthia's account before being transferred to the lawyer's account. We argue that Andrew gave this money to Cynthia to use as she pleased and she chose to use it to pay for her lawyer. Her independent legal representative."


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