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"You're such a pain to deal with," I groaned, Taehyung already crying as soon as he saw me and I hadn't even said anything.

"You're in so much pain, please just let me help," he let out a broken sob and I rolled my eyes, handing him the bandage roll.

"Fine, weirdo," I said and I lead him to the hallway that students barely crossed since it wasn't used for classes and was a spare for emergencies.

"W-wow, you know the school pretty well," he noted as I didn't falter in my steps.

"Gotta go somewhere when I skip class," I answered back.

"Why do you skip class?"

"I want to."

"You seem to want to do a lot of things," he said and I raised a brow at him.

"Yeah, and I do them, your point is?"

"Sometimes wants become needs is all I'm saying," he wasn't looking at me this time, speaking softly while he undid the bandages.

I sat down with my back against the wall and he sat down next to me. Sliding my jacket off, he did his best to not scream at the sight.

"Why are you still after me anyways? Didn't I make it clear for you to leave me alone?"

He chuckled lightly in response.

"I want to."

I rolled my eyes at his response.

"A-and that w-want tu-"

He cut himself off, and I felt tears hit my shoulder, falling over the open wound and I would have hissed, snapping at him.

I would have.

If I hadn't seen the pure heartbreak in his eyes.

From who?

I couldn't ever know.

Or guess.

And for some reason, I remembered my fight from earlier.

When I was held down onto the ground, not being able to breathe.

Was that how he felt every time I made him cry?

Which made me note something.

"You cry a lot."

I blurted it without thinking, not that I regretted it, but for some reason wished I had said it softer, maybe because I had pity on him.

But deeper down, I knew that wasn't it.

I would have pitied him earlier too then, right?

"Isn't it b-better to let it all out?" He sniffled. "Rather than holding it all in for it to break all at once and be unable to handle it?"

"You know what?" I asked and he gulped, not knowing if it was a trick question or not.


"You really are strange."

He only sighed, wiping away at the wound and I winced.

"Aren't we all in a way?"

"U-uh, no, not as much as yoU ARE!"

My voice raised as the alcohol seeped in the stab wound to disinfect it.

"Do you want me to kiss your arm better?"

And in that moment, I had never heard anything more absurd.

"Don't even think about it."

LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO | k.taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now