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Blinking my eyes, I saw a light blue ceiling, wondering who in the world broke into my house and painted it without my permission.

Sitting up weakly, my eyes snapped open, not being in my house at all, instead a hospital room and I immediately panicked.

"H-hey, stop!"

Suddenly, I was held back, soft arms coming around me and the scent hit me again as I turned my head away from him.

"Are you out of your mind!? Did all your screws that were already loose fall out of your head??!" I pushed him off, instantly going to pull the needle out of my arm as the door swung open and I froze.

"Ah, I'm so glad you are awake," the doctor smiled at me as he peaked his head in. "No memory loss, am I correct? You recognize the man beside you and who he is, right?" He asked and I looked over at Taehyung seeing fear in his eyes as I furrowed my brows.

"Of course I do, my head wasn't bashed open for me to forget," I spoke, confused at why Taehyung was so terrified.

"I guess it takes a lot to forget true love, it'd be heartbreak if you couldn't recognize your husband beside you."

And with that, he flashed us a grin, closing the door as I felt my eyebrow twitch.

"My head wasn't bashed open, but I promise you one day, yours will," I seethed, looking over at Taehyung. "What in the world did you tell them about us!?"

"W-well I didn't think you'd be too happy if I gave them your real information and explain why you had so much money in your bag so I kinda uh-"

"You what?" I spat, hissing as I pulled the needle out, yanking the other wire off my hand as I saw the old scar over my hand, hating it instantly as I saw it again.

"D-don't do that!"

"Tell me what you said!" I pulled the collar of his uniform shirt, bringing him down to my level as he looked away.

"I said uh, that we were childhood lovers who got married and were running away together for our honeymoon."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I resisted the twitching in my hand to smack sense into him.

"Okay," I blew out a breath, grateful for him not saying my real name or who I was.

"O-okay? You're not m-mad?" He looked at me with large eyes as I only rolled my own.

"Oh, no. I'm furious. Just wait till we get out of here, honey," I slung my backpack over my shoulders, getting up as I took his hand into mine, pushing the door open.

Seeing it was clear in the hall, I ran, Taehyung beside me as we sharply turned, going down the stairs that lead to the back exit. As we came down, we heard shouts from behind us, and I turned seeing the doctor from before wave his clipboard around as nurses ran toward us.

"Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim, you're not checked up yet!!"

"Let's go, Tae!" I pushed him out the door first as we made it outside and we still ran until we had passed a few houses and we stopped to catch our breaths.

Looking over at Taehyung, my eyes widened as I saw him with his head slightly back, his lips parted open as he ran a hand through his hair, his cheeks flushed from running.

And for some reason, I was highly aware that my hand was still in his, tight in his grip and I pulled away, blinking at him.

"Did you drug me?"

"W-what no!" He choked over his breath as he waved his hands around. "I would n-never!!" He defended himself and I chuckled at him.

"I know, I just found something strange," I said, looking out as I let a deep breath out and I heard Taehyung gulp next to me. "What?"

"I-I was just admiring you."

My eyes widened as I realized that I had done that earlier as well just now, my heart pounding at his words and before I had knew it, I raised my leg sharply.

Kicking him in between his legs.


"You know that was uncalled for, and extremely painful!" Taehyung whined as he was now laying on my bed as I had taken him to my house, not knowing where he lived and it was getting dark.

"Shut up, we are not going to talk about that," I brushed it off, not wanting to think of what had came over me all of a sudden.

I went to take a seat, Taehyung opening his mouth to say something as my phone rung and I jumped up.

Immediately looking over at the clock, I saw it had reached exactly the hour that I dreaded and my breath quickened.

"H-hey, what's wro-"

"Sh," I cut him off, wiping my now sweaty palms over my ripped jeans and I picked up the phone.

"Hey, sweetheart."

I felt my chest tighten, fear coming over me every time I had to deal with them.

"Today's pay day, remember?"

"O-of course. I got all the money today. I'll f-finally have paid it all," I breathed out and I heard his nasty laugh.

"Wow! What a pleasure it'll be to finally get to cross another name off the list instead of crossing another life of the world."

I stayed silent, my breathing becoming difficult and I felt a hand clutch mine and my eyes snapped up to see Taehyung standing in front of me.

His eyes weren't on me, but his hand still held mine firmly.

"We'll be there shortly. Do not disappoint us like your parents did."

The voice was harsh and cruel, and I knew exactly what it meant every time.

"I-I won't, I p-promise."

The call ended with deep laughter and I felt chills over my skin as my hands trembled.

Taehyung let go of my hand, walking over to the other side of the room as he came back with something in his hands and I saw my black bag that had the money in it from the fight.

"Y-you're not going to question it?" I was shaking, not ready for what was to come.

"I'd rather you tell me on your own will, not prodding into your problems."

He still didn't look at me, his hand just holding the bag out as his face was turned away from me.

I felt awful.

It was as though I had always known everything was my fault, and now it was only being rubbed in further.

Salt over the wound as Taehyung refused to look over at me.

Letting a shaky breath out, I took the bag, wanting to say something yet I couldn't, the bell ringing and I was terrified.

Then there was Taehyung's soft hand over mind, squeezing it as he gave me the three words that kept me together at the moment.

"I'm still here."

Letting go of my hand, he turned away and I walked out, going to open the door as the group of older men walked in, dirty smirks over their faces as I didn't meet their gaze, knowing better than to do so.

"Shall we end what they begun?"

LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO | k.taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now