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I kept my head down as they talked amongst themselves, holding the bag in my hand.

"Darling, let's cut to the chase. The money, you have it?"

"Y-yes," I held out the bag and he smirked, taking it as he tossed it to another.

"Good, we'll get it counted and if it's all the money that's left that you owe us, you're good to go," he gave a nod as the man sat down, taking the bundles of money out to count.

I waited, having a request in mind that I knew would have me killed, but I needed to ask if I could have it done.

"Wait, this is 25,000 over what you need to pay. We don't give fees," he looked over at me and I gave a weak nod.

"I-I have a request," I trembled as I heard the main man's deep laugh.

"Honey, we don't do requests."

"I-I know, b-but you're the only ones who c-can do this s-since you have it."

"We don't give back what we take," he spoke sternly and I nodded again. "But let me hear it anyways and see what I can do."

"The graves."

Finally spitting out what I wanted, I looked up at him to only see him blink back at me with confusion.

"What? You want us to make you one?"

"N-no!" I shook my hands and I knew I'd pay the consequences of what I was about to say as I looked down. "My parents, their graves. I want them back."

Feeling a hand come over my face, the cut tore open again from the pressure as blood streaked down and my head turned the other way.

"When they died, their last item became ours. And that was their graves so they were never yours to begin with. But you paid up pretty fast and gave us no problems, so if that's really what you want, then alright. Their yours from now on," he gave a loose shrug and I felt tears well my eyes.

I bowed and he only rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," tossing me back my bag, I saw some bundles of money and I looked over at him.

"Th-this is y-yours."

"No, it's not. We took what was ours, you don't got to pay for the graves. You want them, take them," he put the money he had taken from the bag into his briefcase.

I watched them tidy themselves up, getting ready to leave as though they had never came.

"Our business together is done."

And with that, they left.

Left my life entirely as I had suffered with them and the debt over my head.

I had finally done it.

I never believed I could.

And for the first time after a long time,

I fell to my knees, crying.


When I woke, I fluttered my eyes open to see through the window of my room that it was still dark out.

Putting my elbow down, I shrieked as I felt something warm beside me, immediately banging the lamp over the warm lump as I heard a loud groan.

Screaming again, I turned on the room lights, realizing it was only Taehyung as he was now on the ground, groaning in pain.

"I-I didn't mean it! I forgot you were here!"

"Wow, thanks," he muttered sarcastically and I was taken back by the change in his shy personality.

Yet I admired his attitude.

"It's not something I'm used to, no one has ever stepped inside my house besides me and the people my parents owed money to," I crossed my arms as he rolled over with a huff of agony.

"A-are you serious?"

And there it was again.

His stutter and the faint pink over his cheeks that I wouldn't have known was there if I wasn't so familiar to it by now.

"No, I bring random strangers into my house every other hour for the fun of it," I rolled my eyes and I heard his little chuckle, my eyes widening.

And I had the sudden urge to kick him again.

"A-are you o-okay? Was it something I said, I-I'm s-sor-"

"Don't apologize, please," I walked over to him, sitting down beside him and he took a sharp breath in. "I should apologize, even though I don't know how to. But dragging you into my mess wasn't something I had planned."

"I sure hope not," he laughed, his hand scratching the back of his head. "But I'm glad to be tangled into anything if it's for you."

And there came the sudden urge to kick him again.

"Stop, I don't deserve that. Can't you see the obvious hint of staying away from me?"

"Of course, I'm not blind. But that also means I'm not blind to know what you deserve and what you don't," he spoke and his voice was soft.

"You're going to make me strangle you."

"W-what?! Why?" He abruptly shifted, groaning again as he nearly laid back down.

Pulling his arm to keep him from falling over, he fell over me entirely instead and this time, for the first time,

My breath hitched.

Silence passed as he looked down over me and I felt I couldn't breathe and I assumed it was because of his weight over me.

"You're fat. Get off."

"You were the one who pulled me!" He retorted back, a pout over his lips as he got back to his sitting position next to me.

"Because you were falling!"

"Then why didn't you let me fall?"

I fell silent, not knowing why I reached out to him, blurting out whatever nonsense fell out of my mouth.

"Because I'm not being accused of your death."

"What?" He blinked, confused over my words and I only made more of a fool of myself.

"If you fell and cracked your head open and the police came to find your body since you went missing and my lazy self didn't get rid of it, I'd be instantly blamed and they'd say that I killed you."

I saw the corner of his lips raise slightly.

"So you thought of all of that and then pulled me on top of you?"

"I dID NOT PULL YOU ON TOP OF ME!" Pushing him to the side, I got up to sit on the bed and I heard his chuckling as he came after me.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to tease you. You're just so cute sometimes," he laughed and I stared at him. "W-what?" He gulped, fumbling with his fingers under my gaze.

"I'm s-s-so-s-s-r- never mind."

Seeing his mouth hang open, I turned the other way. Laying on the bed, I felt it dip behind me as an arm slung over me, pulling me against his firm chest.

"You don't have to apologize for things that are out of your control."

And with that, I felt my tears bubble up again, my chest tightening.

Before I knew it, his lips softly landed over my hair and I turned around, letting my tears stain his shirt.

His hold tightened around me and I let my sobs out as he only nuzzled me further into him, his hand rubbing my back softly.

Just like I had done before today, I fell asleep, crying as I heard Taehyung's light whisper by my ear.

"You're so perfect, stop being so harsh on yourself."

LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO | k.taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now