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"Iker," I spat out, letting my senses sharpen as I forced my reflexes to come back when he tried to touch me, smacking him away.

"Still have that strength, huh? Seems like those drugs weren't strong enough then," he pulled me into his chest at once, his breath over my face and I scrunched my nose. "Oh, how I've missed you so much. How I would hold you and breath in your scent, that scent still drives me crazy," he gave a disgusting grin, his lips over my cheek as his finger ran over the open cut on the other cheek.

"I hate you," I seethed, ramming my foot down over his as he groaned in pain.

"I don't care," he hissed back, forcing his lips onto mine and my eyes widened.

Freezing, I had no time to break myself away as before I could raise my knee to hit him, a sharp needle was pushed into my arm and my head spun as I fell forward further into him.


"Still such a beauty."

I felt a hand over my face, and I blinked, seeing Iker and my head hurt to the point of where I couldn't form words to say.

"He doesn't love you, he'll never love you," he whispered to me and I knew he was referring to Taehyung. "He's moved on, forgetting about you. He never liked you for who you are anyways. He doesn't even know what a terrible person you are."

I felt my heart drop as I thought of Taehyung never accepting me if he truly knew me and all the issues that I had.

"How are you feeling?" He leaned forward, kissing me again and I turned my head the other way.

"I'll be better without you," I spoke, glaring at him as he only grinned.

"That's just too bad, I'm still surprised you remember. I thought that one shot would be enough," he cocked his head to the side.

I remember? What would the shot have to do with my memori-

"You wouldn't," I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing he would.

"Oh, come on baby. Did you really think I'd have you hate me like that, letting that bastard steal you away from me? Not happening, but what will happen is I'll make everything easier for you," he placed his arms on both sides of me, keeping me frozen where I was. "You'll forget all about that other guy, only knowing that you're mine. Won't we be happier that way?"

I felt my eyes sting, not able to imagine being without Taehyung, forgetting him entirely.

"I don't like your little games."

I elbowed the injection he held in his hand, aiming for my arm as it fell onto the ground and I rammed my knee into his torso. Pushing him off of me, I let my heel slam onto the glass as the liquid seeped out and the needle shattered.

"You're not going to get a second chance at life. You don't get to play with lives like this, not mine, and especially not his," I told him and he quickly got up.

"What the hell did you do!? That was the only sample I had!!" He lunged towards me and I moved out of the way.

"The role you made me play, of the fool."

Grabbing his arm to pull him down, letting my leg drop down over his back and he fell.

"I've never killed anyone, and I don't plan on it, no matter how much I may want to kill you. I never would want you in jail, but this is exactly what you deserve. Not only for murder, but for having your existence on this earth," I locked my arms around his neck and he gasped for breath, unable to move as I did my best to hold him still. "I hate myself for falling into your illusion every time, letting you deceive me."

"Is this what you thought about while I had you taken away and kept?!"

"All I think about is karma."

I let go, kicking him to the side as I took steady breaths, trying to stay stable.

"But one thing's for sure."

Before he could make a move at me again, I darted out, looking in the hall as I didn't see the men he had hired.

"Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours."

I shut the lock, twisting it back into its place as I stepped back.

I had to find Taehyung.

I needed to go to him.

I needed Taehyung.


I had ran for hours, seeing as it started to get dark, stumbling into the sidewalk as I finally had made it out fo the forest.

A smile broke out on my face as I saw I had finally made it out of the unknown area. Staying there while it got dark would be dangerous especially since I could barely guard myself.

I just had to find someone and ask them what area this was so I could get an idea how far I was from my pla-

My eyes widened as I recognized the houses as Taehyung's neighborhood.

My heartbeat increased at the thought of seeing him and I wandered forward, trying to find his house.

The sky had gotten darker and I still hadn't found his place, my mind not functioning at its fullest from the pain and I was probably just going in circles.


Screaming, I fell to my knees, letting tears fall and I cried there on the street.

Where was he?

I couldn't be apart from him any longer.

It seemed as though he was the air I breathed and I was suffocating without him.

Tears fell faster and I only felt my heart burn harder, hearing a blurred shout and the next thing I knew, arms came around me, pulling me up.

"It's really you."

My tears only quickened as I saw Taehyung standing before me, pulling me into his arms as he held me tightly.

I wanted to stay in his hold, his arms never leaving me as I clung to him, crying harder.

"T-Tae," I sobbed, and he pulled away slightly to wipe away my tears, kissing my tears as they kept falling and he didn't say anything about the state I was in as he stared down at me.

"Don't c-cry, I'll cry t-too," he choked out as I saw a few tears escape his eyes and they ran down his face.

"A-alright," I hiccuped, doing my best to breath steady as my heart pounded when he held me closer.

Looking up at him, the distance between us started to lessen and I didn't mind the space keeping us apart shortening more and more.

Our lips brushed together like a feathery touch and before anything happened, we heard a shout.

"Taehyung, who is she?"

LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO | k.taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now