3 years later

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James above 

I  had stayed hidden for three years. I missed a lot when I ran. I missed birthdays, Christmas's, and funerals. I found out from the news that Kayla had died later that night in the hospital. She went into shock and they couldn't save her.

That night at the train station I had to find a place where no one would find me. I found a nice little city in California. When I was a kid my parents and I would go to California a lot for vacation.

Me and Faith moved here together in this little apartment that I got when I got here. I also got a job at a diner so that I could pay for it. I also had the baby. Well babies. I had twins I found out when I finally got to a doctor. Mason and Skylar. Their 2 years old and Faith is three almost 4.

I was finishing up at work and had to go pick up the kids from the babysitter. We were going to go to the beach today and relax.

I picked them up and we went home to get ready.

"Faith can you go and get dressed please." I asked her as she was watching tv. I was putting Mason's bathing suit on him as Skylar was running around.

"Ok mommy" Faith got up and walked into her room closing the door.

"Mommy i can go into the water right?" Skylar asked with a smile. Both her and Mason looked a lot like Noah. They had his hair color even though Skylar's was a little lighter. Faith had my hair color and her dads tan skin. Everyday they remind me of him.

"Ok let's go Faith you have the sunblock and the toys for your brother and sister?"

"Yep" she held the bag up for me and I smiled.

"Good girl" I kissed her on the head and grabbed Skylar and Mason.

We got in the car and off to the beach we went.

When we got to the beach Faith helped me with the babies. We carried them down to a spot on the beach and sat down.

"Mommy can I go in the water?" Faith asked.

"Yeah go a head honey but don't go to far." She smiled and ran off.

I felt two hands go on my shoulders and I looked up to see James.

"Oh my god hey" I smiled kissing him. "I thought you had work?"

"Well I did but I wanted to come and hang out with you and the kids." I smiled at him.

James was my boyfriend that I met when I moved here. He helped me with getting around the town and all that. He thinks that I had a husband that went mia in the war. I had to come up with a reason as to why I had so many kids...what it's not a bad lie. It's just not right.

"Aw well thank you" he smiled and grabbed Skylar when she came running to him.

"James" she screamed throwing her arms around him.

"Hey there munchkin. How was your day?"

She giggled "it was fun. I got to color a picture of you and mommy."

"And I can't wait to see it." He smiled down at her as Mason ran over.

"Hey little man." James scoped Mason up as well.

"Hi. Are you coming for dinner again?" James shook his head at Mason. "And I'm going to tell you all a bed time story again.

"Yayy" The twins screamed as James put them back in the sand.

"Ok you two go play. Me and James will be in the water soon."

"Ok mommy" they said getting up and running to the water.

I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me closer.

"Why don't we tomorrow come back here. Just you and me and we can go surfing again?" I smiled up at him.

"Sounds go. I get done work at 3:00. I'll have the babysitter watch the kids a little longer that's all."

"Good. Now to the water" he screamed picking me up making me laugh.

The rest of the day we spent at the beach. Then we went home and ate dinner. James was telling the kids a story as I was grabbing a bottle of wine for me and him.

"You know I don't know how you did it. You brought those kids here after their father died. That's a lot of work." I held up the wine bottle to him.

"Took a lot of this but here I am." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well now that I have you all to myself." I felt his lips go to my neck making me throw my head back.

"I can do whatever I want to you." He hissed turning me around making me smile. He pushed his lips down on to mine.

I moaned when I felt his tongue on mine. Pushing me into the counter he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer to me.

I heard my phone go off and I got up to get it.





"Who is this?" I screamed. When I heard nothing I hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" James asked pulling me to him.

I had been getting calls like that for the past two days.

"Nothing it's just the wrong number. Hey why don't we go to bed? I'm really tired from The Sun."

"Yeah ok" he looked like he did not believe me one bit.

We went to my room and I grabbed my t-shirt and shots going into the bathroom to get changed. When I got out I found James in my bed watching tv. I ran and jumped onto the bed and he pulled me to him turning the light out.

"Goodnight Juliet" he kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight James" I smiled letting sleep consume me.

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