[ twenty ] distance

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After Rain

Chapter Twenty

The school was almost empty by five. I could hear them locking the classrooms when I passed the hallways. Since the game season was over, everyone was leaving and club activities were closed till exam time. I walked out after emptying my bag in my locker and replacing it with things needed for the weekend. When I closed the locker door shut, someone was walking in the hallway.

''Why are you still here?'' I was startled to see Zaid there. The last time I saw him was days ago, it seemed like he wasn't even coming to school anymore, which was why I was slightly surprised to see him. 

''I am just leaving, was studying in the library.'' 

He snorted, ''Good to know you can study at time like this.'' The dark circles under his eyes were even prominent then before. I met his gaze, 

''I'm trying''

''Did you talk to Detective Olsen again?'' He asked me when I was turning to leave. Pausing, I faced him and narrowed my eyes, 

''I only met him once. And it seems like you already know about what happened.'' 

He placed his hands in his pockets and leaned against the locker, ''Did he tell you about the cellphone?'' I blinked, recalling that one time meeting with Olsen. 

''He said they couldn't find it.''

Zaid cursed under his breath, ''You said Maleeha called you there, didn't you?''

''She did call me, you can even check my phone records if you want,'' I dug in my beg and showed him my cellphone, ''I didn't change it, so the record must still be there. Lee told me she was at the building looking for-'' I came to an abrupt halt when I realized I was about to say more than I wanted to. Zaid's eyes widened for a fraction of a second. 

''How long are you going to keep hiding it Nicola. I'm getting tired of your behavior.''  He sighed and told me. I avoided his gaze and folded and unfolding my fingers as I tried to make coherent words in  my mind. 

''Why are you asking about her cellphone?'' I asked him instead, 

''Are you stupid or are you just pretending to be?'' he demanded, glaring at me, ''isn't it obvious that the phone was stolen? By the person who...''

I swallowed and saw his eyes hardening for a second before he was able to continue, ''...the phone must have something valuable in it. A evidence maybe. Olsen is trying to find her phone right now.'' Zaid was right - I really was stupid. How could such an important thing skip my mind? Lee went there to get evidence against Bianca and Mr. Trey. Its obvious she was using her phone, either to take a video or a voice recording. My memories of 'after' were a blur. I only remembered the heavy rain pounding against me and the sirens I heard. I didn't know what Bianca and Mr. Trey did or how they left. But it was obvious now - one of them had the cell phone. 

The realization hit me like a storm. I grabbed Zaid's sleeve and my voice trembled slightly as I asked him, ''What if he destroyed the phone? Mr. Trey is too smart. He would have already destroyed it...'' In that frantic moment, I muttered his name and before I could stop, it was too late.

I met Zaid's widened gaze. For the next few moments he simply stared at me, grabbing my hand in his fist. 

''What did you just say?'' He whispered in a dangerous voice. His question was the only thing that I heard in the otherwise empty hallway. His voice echoed in my head and even when I tried to free myself, he wouldn't let go. 

''No, you won't go unless you open your mouth now, I'm not going to let you go.'' His voice was shaking with anger and for a moment I was scared of him. 

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