[ twenty one ] all at once

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After Rain

Chapter Twenty One 

Silas's grip on my hand remained firm as he dragged me out of the auditorium. He led out outside through the back door until we stood beneath a secluded tree in the back. I breathed for a few seconds after he let go of my hand. He was staring me without saying a word and the silence was suffocating, so I decided to break it first.

''I thought you we were done with each other.'' Silas flinched visibly,

''Is that what you want?'' He demanded, instead of answering, I threw the question back at him.

''What about you then? What do you want?''

He looked troubled, like he was unable to form the words he wanted to say. At that moment, his face was guarded, and I had no idea what he was thinking. Was this about the issue between us? Or was it about the fact that he had heard my conversation with Jade?

''That day a lot of things shouldn't have happened.'' He began to say, and even if his silence in the past days had made me lose my mind bit by bit, this conversation was dreadful. How was I supposed to explain myself? I had nothing to say, no excuses to give him. So I just nodded, urging him to go on first.

''...What happened with me in school...I didn't want anyone here to know. This place was like a good start to me, a new start. When I realized you knew and kept it a secret, I lost it.''

He gave me an expectant look, it was my turn to speak. I looked at my feet and then sighed, ''I found because of Aislyn...her friend had the article and she gave it to me after we met at the campus with your brother.''

''You should have told me.''

''I would have hurt you either way Silas! Knowing something you didn't want me to find out wasn't in my control. How was I supposed to bring it up? I might be selfish but I'm not completely heartless.''

He regarded me with a puzzled look, ''Now you know right? Why I kept trying to look out for you? Why I was hurt when I saw you letting them walk over you? Why I kept begging you to share with me. Tell me what has been going on in your life.''

I scoffed and threw a accusing look at his direction, ''You, Zaid, everyone...You all keep telling me to tell you the truth. Have anyone of you ever considered that maybe I have my reasons. Maybe there are things that are holding me back. That maybe...maybe there are people's lives that are holding me back?'' I asked him without expecting an answer.

He fisted his hands by his sides, ''I can't talk about Zaid or anyone else. But I can talk about myself and the only reason I wanted to know the truth was to help me! To make you realize that you can't fight alone. That you need people at your side, people who consider you a friend. Who care about you. Who love you!''

It took me a second to comprehend his words. When I met his eyes with my own wide gaze, I only saw sincerity there. Like always. But his words had crashed through me like thunder and just from hearing them and staring in his eyes my heart beat escalated.


''You know already, don't you Nicola? That you are all I see? Not Nicola Moore whose best friend was murdered, not Nicola Moore who lives and breathes secrets. But it's you, the real Nicola, the one standing in front of me, the one who is the most beautiful smile in the whole world. It's you, only you.''

He pinned me with his eyes and I found myself leaning towards him, so close that I could smell mint from his breath. If Silas had stepped a little closer, we could have kissed. Our lips were a second apart, but the spell was broken when my phone rang. For a second I ignored the sound and held his gaze. The phone rang again and we both stepped away from each other.

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