chapter six-

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So, I love writing this! Even though nobody really reads it:) I'm cool with that:) I have so much fin writing it for my own entertainment:) But whoever is reading this better be excired 'cuz i've got a lot of REALLY good idea's;)

I know what your thinking, whats going on with Liam? Does he like her? How does Valerie feel? Will Harry and her ever kiss? Is Harry falling in love?

Hehe, all in good time;)


Valerie's P.O.V.

We just finished watching Love Actually, it was Harry's idea. We sat around in a circle on the ground, and Louis got an idea.

"Guys, we should play truth or dare!!" He yelled, excited.

The boys all nodded eagerly in a agreement and gave me puppy eyes, until i agreed as well.

 "I go first!!!" Louis yelled excited, "Liam, truth or dare?"

Liam debated for a minute, then sighing said, "Dare."

"Hmmm... oooOOHH!! I know! I know!" Louis yelled, "I dare you to... prank call Uncle Simon!!!!!"

"WHAT?!!!!" Liam yelled, "No way! He'd kill me!!!!!!!!"

"That's kind of the idea." Niall told him, with a slight smile.

"Mwwahahahaha, my minion!!! Run along now!" Louis yelled.


We'd been playing for about an hour, when Louis called on me.

"Truth." I told him.

"Hmm... okay out of everyone here, who do you find the most attractive?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Crap. No, no, no! I could not answer that question. I knew my answer, of course i did. It was Harry, but i couldn't tell them that. Especially not while he was sitting right there.

"I'm not answering that." I told Louis.

"You HAVE to." He whined, looking at me with those big blue eyes.

"No," I laughed, "I don't want to hurt anyones feelings and well.... it's just kind of embaressing."

"Thats the point Val." Zayn pointed out.

Liam and Harry were both mysteriously quiet.

"Nopeee, you can't force me." I told them.

They all looked at each other, evil looks plastered across their faces. I knew something was coming. I jumped to my feel, and tried to run. BUT Someone had grabbed ahold of my waist and pulled me into their chest, trapping me there. I felt chills go up my spine at the closeness.

Lips were at my ear, "Not so fast, darling." They whispered.

More chills, it was Harry.

Then before I knew it, the boys were flanking us as Harry dragged me along with him, I didn't even try to fight back, i knew it was no use, but i didn't bother to help him take me off to my doom, by like walking particarly fast or whatnot.

We got out into the dark cold night, and then i saw it. A glistening array of water, a pool.

Then i started pushing against Harry.

"No way!!! Let me go!! Harry! Let me go, seriously its not funny!!!!" I yelled at him.

He laughed, only holding me tighter against him. They other guys snickered as well.

Louis stood in front of me, right in my face.

He started stridding back and forth in front of me intimidatingly. 

"Now, i'm only gonna ask you once, who- do -you - find -most - attractive?"

"I'll never tell!" I yelled back at him.

He gave me an icy glare, "Toss her in."

Harry dragged me closer.

"NO! No!!! Please!!! Wait!! It's going to be freezing!!" I thrashed around in Harry's grip.

Louis smirked.

We were right in front of the water.

"No! WAIT! I'll tell you!!!!" I told them.

The guys all looked victorious. 

"So, who is it darling?" Harry asked me.

"Let me go first."

"Your not really in a postion to be negotiating." Harry said, shaking his head.

"Then i guess you'll never know." I warned.

He sighed letting me go.

The guys all got up in my face, and i felt overwhelmed by their closeness.

"Fine, out of everyone here, the person i find most attractive..." They all looked at me eagerly, "Is... Harry." I sighed, looking away.

"awwwwww! No fair!!!" Zayn yelled.

I looked at the ground blushing furiously. When i looked up though, i saw Harry smirking cockily. I rolled my eyes at him.

I glanced over at Liam, and saw that he was absolutely fumming with anger.

I walked up to him.

"Liam what's wrong?" I asked him.

He glanced at me with those big brown eyes as he said, "nothing."

"Don't give me that, i know somethings wrong." I tell him, talking a step closer.

"You know what! There IS something wrong! And you know what that is?" He started getting all worked up, "I don't like seeing my SISTER and Harry throwing themselves at each other.

"Your WHAT?!"


MWahahhahahahaha! A TWIST!!! I bet you weren't expecting THAT! Leave me some comments to know what you guys think!! Thanks! LOVE YOU ALL!

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