Chapter eight-

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Whooaaaah!!!!!!!!!! CHAPTER EIGHT ALREADY;) Hehehehehehehe!!!!! I"m sorrry that there hasn't been a lot of Valerie and Harry moments in a bit, but i promise, more are on the way!!!!!!!!!



Harry's P.O.V.

We couldn't hear what was said on the phone. But shock spread across Valerie's face, turning it pale. She dropped her phone, and then the eyes rolled into the back of her head. I caught her before she hit the ground.

"Valerie? Valerie?!" I was shaking her.

"What happened?!" Liam was frantic.

I was so odd seeing him like that, he was usually the calm and collected one, but now he was absolutely not calm.

 Her heart rate was normal, she didn't seem hurt or in pain in anyway, so we decided to take her up into a bed while we waited for her to wake up.

Okay, yeah, it was kind of weird, but we all sat in the room with her and watched her as she slept. Don't judge us like that.

Finally, she stirred and we all leaned in closer towards her. She opened her eyes, seeming confused as she looked around. And a little creeped out when she found us staring at her.

"Wha-what happened?" She asked.

"You tell us, you were on the phone, then you just - just dropped!" I looked at her worriedly.

She met my gaze, but then quickly looked at Liam. She jumped out of bed, slightly off balance.

"Woaah! Steady there." Louis said, helping her.

"Li!" She said walking towards him, "It was the results, they came in."

"And?" He asked nervous.

"They were positive." She told him, "we're, we're siblings."

He smiled, "I knew it."

He enveloped her in a hug, and I saw tears going down both of their faces.

" You have to move in with the boys and me in our flat!" He explaimed, pulling her away at arms length to look at her.

I thought she would decline because of her family, but to my suprise, she merely smiled and nodded. Which turned into another hug. We were all crying as well, it wasn't a sad cry like the other night, it was tears of joy.

"GROUP HUG!!!!" Louis yelled.

We all pulled her close.

"Guys! Can't -  breathe!" She gasped.

We laughed as we pulled apart.

Now i knew, we could never lose her. Never, family doesn't abandom each other.

Valerie's P.O.V.

Liam drove me 'home.' So i could talk to my mom and pack. When i  got in there, her and my sister were sitting in the kitchen laughing and shot me a dirty look when i walked in and burst their little bubble.

"Have fun with you friends?" My mom asked, not in a caring way though, more like in a forced way.

"That's the thing mom, why didn't you ever tell me you found me in a care home?" I asked her.

She froze, "how did you find out about that?" 

"I met my brother."

"And?" She stood up a little angrily.

"And, i'm leaving. I don't want to live here anymore, i'm moving in with him." 

"I still have legal ownership of you young lady."

"I'm old enough to leave, besides, you don't want me here just as much as i don't want to be here." 

I walked past her stunned and pissed off face, threw my crap in a big duffel bag, and left, just like that. As i stormed out the door, I didn' t look back.

Liam's P.O.V.

Valerie came into the car looking like she was about to cry.

"Everything okay?" I asked her.

She nodded and didn't say a word the whole way home, which was kind of weird.

When we got back, we showed her where her room was, very numbly. We asked her what was wrong, but she said she was fine. I was worried, i didn't know what was wrong or what to do, and she looked like she didn't want to talk about it. I think we started annoying her with all of us comstantly asking her if she was okay, because, she said she was checking in early.

I sighed, kissing her gently on the forehead before she went to her room.

Harry stood up, "i think i'm going to hit the sack too."

We nodded as he left the room, something wasn't right.

Harry's P.O.V.

I did not go to bed, instead i walked into Val's room. She was just sitting on her bed, lost in thought, staring at the wall.

I sat besides her, and she barely acknowledge me, we sat like that until after a minute, still staring at the wall.

She said, "When I told my mom, i was leaving it was like she didn't even care."

I sighed, that's why she was so upset. She wouldn't stop staring a the wall, i grabbed her chin gentle but firm as i forced her to look at me in the eyes. We sat there just gazing at each other for a minute, before she burst into tears.

Valerie's P.O.V.

I couldn't hold it anymore, keep that straight face, and pretend everything was okay. I just couldn't. I felt strong arms evelope me, and suddenly i was cuddled into Harry's chest sobbing hysterically.

"My mom hates me." I heaved.

Shhh, shhhh, it's okay, i've got you. Nothing's going to happen to you Valerie, i promise, okay i've got you now."

I only cried harder, he only hugged me tighter. 

Then he started singing,

"You losing your meomery now, your losing your meomery now, your losing your meomery now, your losing your Call all your friends, tell them im never coming back, 'cuz this is the end, pretend that you want it, don't loook back." His voice was so soothing and somewhere throughout the song, i felt myself drift off.


I felt someone pick me up momentarily, then suddenly i was back on something soft. My eyes flickered open. Someone was standing there.

"Ha-Harry?" I croaked.

"Shhh" His finger was on my lip, "Go back to sleep. I'm here okay. Just go back to sleep."

Before I could respond i found myself drifting off again. But before i did, i swear i felt his soft lips brush my forehead as he whispered, " 'Night Darling."


YES!!!! IM AWESOME! Two, two page chapters in one day! Your welcome:) COMMENT, VOTE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS:) Thanks, love you guys!:)

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