Chapter five-

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Valerie's P.O.V.

"Nothing." I told him.

I tried to pull my arms out of his grasp, but he absolutely refused. His hands wrapped around my arms gentle but firm.

"Nothing? You call that nothing?" He asked me angrily.

"Let go of me." I told him, piercing his eyes.

"Not until you tell me who did this!" He yelled, shaking his head.

"Why do you even care?" I shrieked back at him, surprised to find tears streaming down my face.

The guys were looking a little confused, they obviously hadn't seen the bruises. They all stood up and walked towards us in a little huddle.

I heard Zayn suck in a breathe when Harry showed him my arm saying, "Does that look like 'nothing' to you guys?"

"Who did this to you Valerie?" Liam asked me, staring me into my eyes.

I crumbled under all their looks as i sobbed.

"My ex." I cried.

Harry's jaw clenched as he let go off my arm and placed me in his lap on a chair.

"Shhh" He told me, "It's okay."

He smoothed back my hair soothingly. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Here's an idea, you come back to our place, hang out, have a good time, and forget about this for a bit." Louis interrupted.

"No, i couldn't intrude, i've already wasted enough of  your night as is." I told him.

Harry shook his head, laughing. I looked up at him, confused.

"How could you thing you were intruding?" He asked, smiling.

Was this a trick question? I didn't know.

"Come on," Harry told me, "I'm not gonna take no."

Before i could even respond, Harry had whisked me out of his lap and over his shoulder, all in one motion. I sucked in a breath. I was upside down and all i could see was Harry's back.

"Harry! Put me down!!" I giggled.

He laughed, and it tickled my legs as he did. 

"Nope." He popped the 'p'.

"Aaaah!" I screamed.

I was thrown into a car and my head spun for a second there. Then three other body's were pressed around me. Louis was sliding into the drivers side and Zayn the passenger. While Liam, Niall, Harry, and I were all squished in the back.

"Guys, seriously! I have work!"

"When does your shift end?" Harry asked me.

"Five minutes." I admitted.

"See, your all good!" He chuckled.

 "This is kidnapping." I told him.

"Really?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised.

"Mmm hmm."

"How old are you Valerie?" He asked me, a smile going across his face.

"Seventeen." I told him.

"Well then technically-"

Louis cut him off, "Technically, you are a teenager, not a kid." He smirked at their knowledge.

"Does it really make a difference?" I asked him.

They all laughed, but i was confused, not finding the humor in this.

Niall's P.O.V.

I think we all found it hard not to laugh at Valerie's unnecessary worrying. Really, what did she think we were going to do to her? I didn't know. Anyways, the car ride was hot and cramped and seriously, I think we all might've killed each other had Louis not pulled up in the driveway.

We all jumped out, except for Valerie, who fell out. We all laughed as she picked herself off the ground, blushing furiously.

"It wasn't funny!" She told us, but despite herself, she too, started laughing uncontrollably.

It had started to get dark out when we got back into the house. Liam and Louis both threw themselves onto the couch at the same time and I laughed as they bounced off each other slightly,  Harry and Valerie giggled a bit too. Zayn rolled his eyes.

I caught Harry gazing at Valerie quite a bit now that we weren't so confined. Oh no. I'd never seen Harry give anyone THAT look before, except possibly Louis. Either way, i recognized it, i'd seen it on covers of cheesy books and annoying movies, Harry had fallen for Valerie and he'd fallen hard.

Harry's P.O.V.

We were all gathered in a circle just talking for a bit, things we liked and didn't like things liike that. Liam had a very strange look on his face, he kept gazing in disbelief at Valerie and sending me glares. What was up? He didn't.... like her, did he? Not like that anyways. I hope not, because honestly, the thought of Valerie with another guy, was unbearable, especially if that guy was my best friend.

Liam's P.O.V.

Oh man, Harry caught me glaring at him again. I turned my head away quickly. I couldn't help it though, I didn't like seeing him throwing himself on her, any girl to Harry, was just another challenge, then he got laid, and we never saw her again. 

But he could NOT do that to her, not to Valerie. I wouldn't let him, somehow i'd have to make sure they weren't together.

Valerie's P.O.V.

Liam keeps looking at me weird, and every time he does i get the weirdest sense of Deja Vu. I fidgeted with my hair band as i tried to ignore his gaze, but it was so hard. Liam just sent out this vibe, it was like... I don't know. I tried to just not think about it.

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