The Start of a Friendship?

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After Zero left, Yuki walked inside where her mom greeted her.
"Welcome home Yuki, how was school," asked her mom.
"It was good, but some kid picked a fight with Zero during lunch," she replied.
"Zero tends to attrack people like that."
"Yea, but we got ice cream on the way home."
"Well, that's nice. It's been 8 years now, hasn't it?"
"Yep, 8 years since we bumped into him at the market, hard to believe sometimes."
Yuki and her mother took a moment to think back to that day.

Yuki, her parents, and her older sister, Akiko, were at the local market buying ingredients for dinner. That's when Zero came running with a bag full of what looked to be vegetables. He was running through the street, but didn't pay attention ahead of him and ran right into Yuki sending them both falling back on their butts. Her family looked over to see what happened, but before anyone could speak, he jumped to his feet, grabbed his bag, and apologized.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," He stated.
"I realized that," Yuki grunted.
"My name is Zero....Zero Rukia, pleased to meet you."
"Rukia? As in Ichisaki and Mai Rukia's son," Yuki's mother asked.
"You knew my mom and dad!?"
"I went to school with them, however, I didn't personally know them. All i knew was that they had a son, who they had to leave in the care of their neighbor before they left on a mission, of which they have yet to return."
"Oh, I see.."
"Why don't you come with us? I can make dinner and you can tell us about how your life was growing up. I may not have been friends with Mai or Ichisaki, but I still would like to make sure their child is ok. Yuki, Akiko, Kisai, is this ok with you?"
All at once they said, "yes."
"Good, Zero I hope that is ok with you."
"Yes, that's fine. Thank you.."
The family, along with Zero, grabbed their bags and began walking. Zero was silent most of the time, because he wasn't sure how to react. The family stopped at a black gate in front of a Beautiful two story ted and white house. They opened the gate and walked to the door.
"This is our home," Akiko said, "I know it looks big but it really isn't after you put 4 people and their belongings in it."
They opened the door and went to the kitchen. Zero took a seat at the table while the others put the groceries away. Yuki's mom looked over at Zero, noticing how dirty he had gotten, probably from when he and Yuki fell.
"Yuki, could you show Zero, here to the bath, so he can wash up," she said.
"O..okay," Yuki replied.
Yuki took Zero and walked down the hall to grab a towel, then went upstairs where she showed him the bath.
"Here you go"
Uh..thank you."
"If you need anything my room is next door."
"Alright, but i believe I'll be ok"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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