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I rode back down the road thinking, S'ven didn't do this. This is a joke, it just has to be one. S'ven isn't that crazy to pull a gun out on my bestfriend.

I was really trying to defend this boy in my head, but as I got closer to Keri's house I started to think about what Ness said. Is this what she was warning me about?

As soon as I pulled into Keri's driveway she darted outside and opened my door before I could even take my key out of the ignition.

"Finally! Please come in here and calm him down." She said practically pulling me out of my car. I walked into the house and saw Javion pacing around the living room and Ray was holding a .45 Caliber in his hand ready for the command to go run up on my boyfriend.

"Javion?" I called, he ignored me and kept pacing. I never seen him this mad. I thought he was furious with Vonte and his brother, but this was a new record of anger he had here.

"Trinity, you good? That nigga didn't threaten you did he?" Raymond asked. I shook my head while watching Javion.

"We haven't really talked much today because of what happened last night."

"So he's mad at you too?"

"Yeah. I think I'm the cause for all of this though."

"No, the nigga just crazy." Javion finally spoke.

"Javion...are you sure he pulled a gun out on you?" I asked, knowing it wasn't the right thing to ask at this moment.

"No he didn't just pull out a gun on me, THE NIGGA HAD THE SHIT PRESSED ON MY FUCKING HEAD!"

"Just give me the word bruh." Raymond said with his hand tight around his gun.

"I'm just asking because..."

"What, you don't believe me? Do you think I'll be reacting this way for no reason Trinity?"

"I--I don't know sometimes you tend to overeact." I just keep saying stupid shit.

"Wow, so you defending him? You don't believe me when I say he did this shit?" I looked up at him and saw more pain than anger in his eyes.

"I'm not saying that."

"Then what are you saying because it sure does seem like you don't believe your boyfriend is capable of doing some dumbass shit like this."

"I...I just don't know Javion. This is too much to think about right now." I said as I walked out the house. I heard Keri call for me but by time she reached the door I was already backing out the driveway.

I've never dealt with this much drama in my life, felt like the past year I've just been a magnet for drama and I don't need that in my life and I definitely don't know how to deal with this. So I broke down and called the last person I would call in my life.


I sat in my car in the mall parking lot waiting. It was now 11:19 pm. Javion was still raging, according to Keri, and S'ven hasn't checked on me or anything so I know he's either guilty or planning somebody's murder.

Sooner or later a black Mercedes pulled up and parked beside me. They rolled the window down and and there she was.

"Ness?" I said to myself. She got out the car, so I did the same.

"Why you looking like that?"

"When did you get a Mercedes?"

"Mind your business, what you called me for?" She asked aggressively.

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier and..."

"He finally showed out huh? Quicker than I thought."

"He pulled a gun out on Javion." She gasped.

"Oh shit! He really crazy then. Homeboy okay?"

"Physically he is, but he's ready to fight someone."

"That'll be something interesting to watch."


"Yeah, yeah...I know. This ain't some shit you're use to, but I warned you for a reason."

"But how you knew he would do that? Did he tell you?" She started laughing.

"I don't talk to none of y'all at work, but he has the same mentality my ex-fiancé had."


"Did I stutter?" She snapped

"Didn't know you were engaged."

"Like I said, I don't talk to y'all at work." She said aggressively.

"Oh." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Armond and I were together for 4 years when I lived in Brooklyn. He was very sweet, handsome, always buying me stuff for no reason, and was there for me when no one else was the first year or so. Then when my best friend Lyndell moved back in town Armond became very jealous and that's when he started being territorial. He didn't like for me to talk, hang out or even mention Lyndell and me and him were like sister and brother. I knew him since I was 11 years old. We never dated, never even thought about it. And Armond didn't like how close we were so he forced me to to get engaged to him because he didn't want no one else to have me."

"So, how did you get out of the relationship."

"He went to jail."

"For what?" Her face all of a sudden became blank.

"Murder. He...he killed Lyndell." I gasped and covered my mouth. "He thought Lyndell was trying to take me away from him so he killed him. I went over to his house one morning because he wasn't picking up his phone and that's when I discovered that he was killed...4 shots. Two in his head, one in his chest and another in his stomach. When I told Armond he didn't have no remorse or guilt when he said he did it so I called the police at 4 o'clock the next morning and snitched and not even an hour later I was on a plane down here to Alabama."

"Wow." That's all I could say. I figured something made Ness into the bitter person she was, but I didn't know it was something like that. "I never knew that, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

"Well now you know...actually you're the only person other than my mother that knows that."

"Really? You didn't tell you friend that use to work with us?"

"Who, Bobbi? Girl, hell no. That nigga messy as hell, plus he was fake."

"No surprise there." She laughed. She actually laughed at something I said? Wow! "So you're this way because of what happened between you and your ex?" She nodded.

"And that's why I'm helping you. Now where is he?"

"Who? S'ven"

"No, Santa Claus. Who the fuck else would I be talking about?"

"He's at his apartment last time I checked."

"Go there, if you don't he'll start assuming shit."

"But what if he..."

"Pussy is power girl. Put that shit on him, I mean, that's probably why he's going bat shit in the first place." I laughed.

"You might be right."

"Tell me if anything crazy goes down and if not I'll tell you what you and Jacob..."

"Javion." I corrected her.

"Same thing, I'll tell y'all what y'all need to do for this little situation tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you Ness." She chuckled and shook her head then got in her car and started it up.

"By the way, my name isn't Ness. It's Denise." With that being said she drove off. I was frozen.

She really exposed herself to me tonight...I'm flattered.

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