What Pain?

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Javion was in the hospital for 2 weeks. He almost went into a coma, but luckily the ambulance raced through the traffic to get us to the hospital.

Today is his first day back to the apartment and Nathan stayed to help me clean up and get everything prepared then he left. I'm not blaming him for what happened but he kept telling me how he wish he shouldn't have kept pushing S'ven to fight then none of this would've happened.

I still blame myself and only myself for this whole ordeal. Therefore i will take care of him myself because if anything, i owe him that.

"You need anything? Some water, cover, a snack, do you need me to..."

"Trinity. I'm good, really."

"You gotta take your medicine at before you go eat."

"Do i?" I grabbed the paper the doctor gave me and showed him.

"You take one at 7 am, 12pm, 5pm." He nodded his head and smirked at me. "What?"

"You know it's 12:38 right?"

"What, no it's not." I looked at his phone and it was indeed 12:38. "Oh fuck!" He started laughing and grimacing in pain. "Stop laughing, you're gonna hurt yourself." I said rushing into the kitchen to get his medicine. I rummaged through the bag and turned around only to see him towering over me. "Boy what the fuck!"

"I got stabbed in my stomach. I'm not paralyzed."


"I'm good. See." He said lifting up his shirt. I stared at his stomach for a minute before he let his shirt fall down. "Just a few stitches."

"11 stitches to be exact."

"He didn't hit no major organs. He didn't stab me in my spine. I'm good. I've broken bones before. A little stab isn't that bad."

"A little stab? S'ven stabbed you and that cut was like an inch long. If it wasn't for me..."

"Don't say it was your fault Trinity. It wasn't. He was just in love with you and wanted you all to himself. He was crazy but some men get crazy when their in love."

"I guess. Have you talked to Renae?"



"Oh, her name is Renae. Yeah i talked to her. She wanted to come see me but i don't know about all that."

"She should. That'll probably make you happy."

"Who said i wasn't happy now?"

"I-I don't know. Shit. Here's your medicine." I said as i walked into my room. I laid out on my bed and closed my eyes.

Wonder if remember what i said to him?


It was funny watching Trinity play nurse. She's terribly at it, but i give her an A for effort. The wound hurts a little bit, but it's manageable. Only reason i was in the hospital so long was because i lost a lot of blood and they had to make sure the nigga didn't puncture any organs plus i almost went into a coma. Thank God i didn't but still the nigga had me in the hospital for 2 weeks making Trinity feel guilty for his actions when she's not the blame for any of this.

Low-key she kept me alive when i was laid out on the floor. Nathan told me she beat S'vens ass for stabbing me and she hasn't talked to him since. I don't think she got the police involved but she needs a restraining order against his crazy ass, most definitely.

I called Raine and she said she would come over. Not only for me but for Trinity. I don't feel like it's good for us to be together anymore. Not only because she's S'vens brother, but for the first time in forever my brother was actually right. I can't just jump into a relationship because I'm trying to hide feelings for someone else. That shot didnt work at all.

"Javion, Renae is here!" Trinity said knocking on my door. Before i tried to get out of bed they walked in. "There he goes trying to get up again." Trinity rolled her eyes. "I'll be cooking dinner if anyone needs me."

"Don't burn anything." Trinity flipped me off and closed the door behind her. Raine smiles at me and shook her head. "What?"

"Nothing, how you feeling?"

"Good, doesn't hurt that bad." She pulled my shirt up and pressed down on my wound. "Ahh shit! It doesn't hurt until you do that." She started laughing.

"Just wanted to see if you acting like you tough, but I'm sure Trinity will help you get better again."

"You sound jealous." She started laughing again.

"Actually, i would prefer her helping you than myself. See, i came here to tell you I'm sorry on behalf of my knuckleheaded brother. I knew he was crazy because it runs in the family but he's never been in love before and i know how it feels to lose someone over someone else." She started to make me feel guilty.

"I'm sorry Raine, but..."

"Wait, I'm not talking about losing you. Actually...i was, and still am, in love with my ex. I thought getting into another relationship would make me get over him but i was wrong. He left me for a girl he was working with but she cheated on him and now he feels guilty for ruining such a good thing with me."


"So I'm not gonna get back with him. At least not now."

"Oh alright."

"And I'm not staying with you either. I want you to go after her."

"Who?" She started giggling.

"You know who. I know you confessed your feelings before or whatever but it's clear to see those feelings are still there and to be honest. I think the feeling between y'all two is mutual." She whispered.

"You think so."

"I know so. Shit, she beat my brother ass behind you. He deserved it too. All I'm saying is y'all better stop playing and start dating. Y'all too grown to be acting childish, crushing on each other when y'all live together. Boy i swear if i lived with one of my friends i would be jumping on that nigga every night wearing all types of lingerie to lure that nigga in. Just make him..."

"Okay, okay. I get it." I laughed drawing her away from her fantasy world. "Thank you Raine or should i say Renae."

"No call me Raine. I don't like Renae."

"You let Trinity say it."

"I like the way she says it. She got a little country accent with it. Renae." She said mimicking Trinity's accent. "Kinda sexy."

"Are you getting turned on by her accent?"

"Are you getting turned on by the fact that I'm turned on by her accent?" I shook my head. "Then mind your business and focus on that wound playboy." She got up and walked towards the door. I got up and followed behind her.

"It smells like chicken." I muttered.

"Fried chicken." Trinity said while leaning on the counter. I find it so interesting that she is able to stand so close to the stove when she's frying something.

"Now I'm hungry." Raine said.

"You can stay if you want to Renae." Raine grinned and i shook my head.

"I would but i gotta get back to Birmingham. Oh and Trinity, I'm sooo sorry again for S'ven. If you want you can press charges or get a restraining order against him. His psycho ass needs to learn a lesson. He already getting chewed out by our mother." We all laughed.

"I'll think about it."

"Alright. See y'all around." She said hugging me and Trinity.

"She could've stayed if she wanted to."

"Nah, we don't date anymore." She gasped. "Is that surprising?"

"Uhh yes. Y'all were cute together."

"Right. She had a past she couldn't get rid of. So she let me go."

"You don't seem sad about it."

"I'm actually kind of happy. Think we'll be better off as friends despite S'ven being her brother." She shrugged and continued cooking. I watched as she multitasked between the chicken and the rice as well as checking Twitter. She's simply amazing in every way possible.

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