Chapter Eleven- Who is...

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Alison's POV

It is finally Friday, our projects are done and we have the whole weekend to work on everything we need to. I got up a hour earlier then usual. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went into my closet and picked out an outfit to wear. I was in a very good mood so I wanted to look extra good today. I found a cute floral print romper that was in dress code and paired it with a jean jacket. I picked out some white converse to go with it, I curled my hair and did my makeup. It wasn't to heavy because I hated wearing a lot of makeup.

"Ali? Are you awake in there?" Alexis yelled from across the hallway.

"Yes. I have been up for a while." I replied

"Okay. Just making sure." Alexis yelled back

I went downstairs and looked in the fridge for breakfast. I made some avocado toast with little tomatoes. I made Alexis a plate as well. I texted in the group chat to see what everyone was doing.

Olivia : I'm at Sleep's getting breakfast and coffee.

Brooke: Doing my makeup about to head out.

Kade: About to walk out my house.

Me: Okay well anyone wanna make plans this weekend?

Kade: Let's all go to the bowling ally tonight and then have a bonfire and make s'mores.

Olivia: Sounds fun I'm in!

Dylan: I just woke up but sounds good.

Me: Sounds like everyone is in, my house has a pit.

Kade : Lets talk more at school.

Alexis came downstairs and we eat breakfast together. When we were done we headed out the door to school. When we got to school Alexis went off to her group of friends. I still haven't met them yet. I went and sat where we usually sit. I sat by myself for a second then a girl walked over to me and starting talking to me.

"Hey, I'm Emma, I see you around school but I haven't actually talked to you. I'm new here as well but I'm not good with making friends." Emma said siting by me

"Hey Emma. I'm Alison. I would be more than happy to let you sit with me. I don't know anyone but my friends so without them I'm alone." I said

"Oh, well what grade are you in?" Emma asked

"I'm a junior." I said

"Same." Emma said

Brooke and Olivia walked up to us and stood in front of us. Emma got quiet when they walked up. Brooke gave her a weird look then started a conversation.

"Hey I'm Brooke." Brooke said holding out her hand

"I'm Emma." Emma said shaking Brooke's hand

"I'm Olivia." Olivia said

"Nice to meet you." Emma said

We all four talked until Kade walked up. Kade walked up beside me and grabbed my hand. Emma was standing beside me and when I went to introduce Kade she was gone.

"Where did she go?" I asked Brooke and Olivia

"She was just right there." Brooke said confused

"Where did she go ?" Olivia asked

"Who are you guys talking about?" Kade asked

"There was a girl standing right here right before you walked up." I said pointing to the spot where Emma was standing

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