Chapter 1- Meeting

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Alison POV

"Beep Beep Beep." my alarm woke me up. School. I started school two days ago , I haven't met anyone yet , but,  hopefully,  today that changes. You would think in a small town someone would notice new kids. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Ali , Are you awake !" My little sister Alexis yelled from down stairs.

"Yea , I'll be down in a minute." I yelled back.

I did what I had to do in the bathroom and went back into my room. I looked through my clothes thinking about what to wear. I picked out a pair of jeans and a dark red t-shirt and some converse shoes. I didn't do anything fancy with my hair or makeup , I just threw my hair up in a messy bun and went down stairs.

"Are you seriously wearing that to school." Aunt Rachel asked Alexis. Alexis was wearing a crop top and some jeans. I guess aunt Rachel doesn't like Alexis' fashion.

"What's wrong with it?" Alexis asked.

"I guess it just looks weird to me." Aunt Rachel replied.

I didn't join in on their conversation. I got some coffee and sat beside Alexis. I checked my book sack to make sure I did all my homework from the day before. It's a new school got to make a good impression.

"I'll be gone for a few days , got a big report due at the end of the week and I work better when I'm on campus." aunt Rachel said.

Alexis and I nodded. We knew moving here she would be in and out due to college. I mean she isn't but seven years older than me. She is more of a sister than an aunt to me. She isn't my biological aunt but close to it. Her parents adopted her , she had a very bad childhood but when my grandparents adopted her life got better.

"Ready for school ?" Alexis asked

"Yea , Let me get my keys ." I said

I drive to school now since I got a car from my mom. She said when I graduated she would give it to me . Alexis and I rode silently  all the way to school. We both liked the small town because less people at school, everyone helped each other out , and usually everyone knew everyone.

"Ali, do you think we'll make friends soon?" Alexis asked me.

"I hope so , we should start talking to people maybe then we'll make friends , we are gonna have to learn to move on from our old lives' and make other friends,  our friends back home will understand." I told Alexis.

She thinks if she makes other friends then her old ones will get mad at her and stop talking to her . I haven't really talked to anyone because I'm trying to see what people I would fit in with. You know how every school  has different groups of people , the popular kids, the nerds, the weirdos , and the normal kids which is the usually what most of the school is. 

We got out of the car and walked up to school. I went to my locker and Alexis went off to her class. I had math first so I grabbed my math book and went to close my locker and someone was standing behind it. Literally scared the life out of me.

"Jeez !" I said trying to catch my breath

"Sorry to scare you , I saw you earlier and I wanted to say hey , I'm Brooke." A blonde said to me.

"Hi Brooke, I'm Alison but most people call me Ali." I said smiling . Finally someone noticed me. She stood by me and talked to me about all kinds of things she was really nice and sweet, I can see myself getting along better with her.

"Hey , why don't you sit with my friends and I , Your not the one new kid in town." She said pointing out a guy across the hallway.

"Sure , my sister will be with me if that's okay with y'all." I asked

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