Chapter Nine- Attacking the Twin

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Alison's POV

It's Thursday morning and our projects are due tomorrow and we have half a report, a few pictures and a blank poster board. We are going to fail this project if we don't work on it. I turned over and woke up Kade.

"I don't want to get up." Kade said in his morning voice

"You have to until we decide to skip today." I said

"Let's wake up everyone and see what they want to do." Kade said getting up and going downstairs

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and put up my hair and then headed downstairs. Everyone was in the kitchen looking for food. Kade found some eggs and breakfast sausage and started cooking everyone some.

"So who wants to go to school today?" I asked

"I'll go and compel some people to say we were there." Brooke said

"I can run there this morning and compel principal Rose to tell the teachers to mark us all here." Brooke said

"Yea but all of us have projects due tomorrow we can't anyways compel people." I said

Olivia and Dylan agreed with me. We really need to keep up in school or we all will have to retake junior year.

"Okay well how about we do our projects after we eat, then start working on the plan?" Brooke suggested

"I need to go home and get my stuff and tell my parents I'm going to school." Dylan said

"I'll drive you I need a few things too." Olivia said

"Olivia, your car is still getting worked on." Brooke said

"You can use mine." I said

Olivia and Dylan headed out the door and told us to save them some food they would eat when they got back. Alexis came downstairs and sat with us before she headed to school. She didn't ask me any questions about last night. I hope she doesn't ever find out about all this. Kade, Brooke, and I sat in the kitchen waiting on the food and my aunt Rachel walked in.

"I thought you guys would be gone by now." Aunt Rachel said putting her bag down.

"We are going to eat then head out ." I said without thinking

"Good. I need a good stress reliever and cleaning up this house will make me feel better." She said walking up stairs

Kade and Brooke looked at me and then I realized what I just told her.

"Now where are we going hang for the rest of the school day?" Brooke said

"I guess it's a good time to show everyone my house." Kade said

Brooke and I looked at him for a second, he hasn't let any of us near his house because it's the most unsafe house out of them all. Any one or anything can just walk in. Including Carson who also lives there.

"Are you sure it will be safe for us?" I asked

"I'll protect you if he comes around." Kade said sweetly walking over to me

"Look how cute, I haven't seen Kade this happy in years." Brooke said

Kade blushed then came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at him it must have made he remember our conversation because he slowly pulled away and went back to cooking.

"So Kade's house it is?" Brooke asked

"Yes, tell Olivia and Dylan." Kade said

Kade finished cooking and we ate. We made a little to go bowl for Olivia and Dylan. I went upstairs to get ready for the day. I put on a pink t shirt with some blue jeans. I grabbed some Nike running shoes. I brushed my hair and left it down. I put on very little makeup because I felt like wearing it. I grabbed all of our project stuff and went downstairs.

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