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So in the time I've been out, I've left school, experienced a semi decent summer, went to band camp, made varsity marching band, started high school (with all pre ap and one app class), auditioned (and made) an all theatre 1 production at my school and just recently (like as in today) auditioned for the high school musical (which is my fair lady).

It's been a very hectic and eventful few months but I'm glad to be back

I'm really glad to get back to writing this book better than ever and I kinda want to start a new book.

Now I know what you are thinking "Jess, you are already in the middle of this book and in the middle of this smaller book that you started in 7th grade!"

All I have to say to that is.... yeAh you're right. Except the thing is I'm going to actually come up with plot for this book. This one and the other one has no plot and no flow. This book will have a plot and I will spend time on it to make it good.

I will continue to write this book and I may just publish the other book because I have no intentions to finish it.

Just felt like a long awaited update was necessary for my unbelievably long break

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