Chapter 10

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I look up to Nathan's shinig green eyes trying to read them. I tear out of our grasp and ask,

" What do you mean?"

" before anything I need to know something. Do you love me for me? Do you love me? Yes or No?"

" Nathan, its only been the second day, I need time, its.."

" Please Jane, what do you feel, I need to know from the beginning before this relationship deepens and your heart is forever broken."

" I..."

" Jane, sense I first laied my eyes on you and heard you talk your sweet voice, I knew you right for me. Am I right for you? Yes or No?"

I take a deep breath, trying to soak in what Nathan just told me. I think if he is the right one. Every time he touches me he sends sparks, every time I look into his eyes I melt. Does that mean hes the right one? Or is it just a mistake? A simple phase. I look at him. Hes starring straight into my eyes waiting for my answer.

" Yes." I say hoping not to regret them.

" Yes?"

"Yes Nathan, i have so much hope from you and I know I can trust you . You have an affect that leaves me longing for you. So yes. I Know your right for me."

Nathan lets out a sigh and crashes his lips to mine. Kissing me with everything he has. I move my lips with his. He pulls away leaving me feel loved. His kiss was so warm it warmed my body. the taste of mint and the feel of soft smooth skin.  As soon as the kiss is over I realize how breathless I am. How long did we kiss? It seemed to last only a second.

Nathan looks down to me his eyes filled with Passion, love, desire and worry.I look at him with question.

" Look I'm not all that you think. My life is filled with lies. But I don't want to lie anymore, I want to stop running and hiding from my past. Listen Jane, I love you. And want you to know every thing i've been keeping from you. You have to promise to keep this between us. Please?"

He said he loved me. I begin to worry. What if I really don't want to know. What if I am making a mistake, what if I will regret this for the rest of my life. This is only our second day together. It seems too soon whats wrong? I'm curious as to what Nathan is going to say. But what if I can help him. But as they say curiosity killed the cat. I cant promise him what if hes a criminal or a drug dealer? My mind is racing what should I say?

" I promise." Crap! I said it just what I didn't want to say. But his kiss, his eyes tell me i can trust him. Do I love him?

Nathan looks at me as if reconsidering. Then he lets out a slow breath.

" Jane, I must tell you that I am not who you think I am. I'm not who anybody thinks I am. I seem like a normal teenager with a normal life and a normal family. But no one knows me truly nor do they know my past."

I hang on to every word he says,hoping to god I made the right choice saying yes. I grab his hand for support. Knowing I might have to let go. we stand face to face looking into each others eyes. he keeps a firm assuring grip on my hand. This is crazy, we barely meet and now he's telling me probably his deepest secret. I know now that what he is going to say is what decides our feature. If i can handle and understand his past or what ever he might say He's the one, but if its too much for me and If I cant take it and let go of his hand its over he's not the one. I'm suddenly scared. I realize I don't want to loose him. But why?

" Jane, My mother is a not the best in the world and my father is horrible. My father beats on my mother and when I was younger he beat me leaving marks, bruises and cuts. My mother didn't care that I was beaten on but she did care for herself. Every one always asks me how me and my family is I always lie and say were great. I hide the fact that its getting worse at my house. I tried  to run away various times but was always found and beaten harder. Because we never had enough money. I was always hungry and I shop lifted a lot just to feed myself. I don't anymore though. Well one night when I was about 8 years old and was being beaten on I was fed up and tired of doing nothing. So I ran into the kitchen grabbed a knife and then stabbed my father in the chest. HE fell and then there was blood every where. My mom was passed out on the couch high on crack and so I ran over to the neighbors and told them everything. The police came and arrested my mom and my Dad was pronounced dead. Ever sense I have felt guilty and I'm scared i could turn out to be like my father. I couldn't believe I killed a human being let alone my father. After that I was sent to Foster care and a wealthy family adopted me and here I am Living a great live with a horrible past. I think of myself as a monster now. And I've been keeping everything inside me not telling anyone. I told you because I thought you would'nt want to be in a relationship with a monster that killed a man and lived a past as a Coward."

I look at Nathan, absorbing everything he said. I began to tear up and Nathan gently brushed them away.

" Nathan, your not a monster its not your fault at all. I love you and understand your past. You lived a life in vain and did what you had to do to survive. You lied because you were scared. You hid because you didn't want anyone to find you. Your not a Coward and I love you for you and the past is over.You have a good family now and a loving girlfriend. You are who you are and you wont turn out to be your dad. I promise. Now Lets go."

we hug and then he kisses me. We hop inside his car and head back to my house. We go up to my room and we talk about school and tomarrow then by accident I fall asleep in Nathans arms in my bed.

We wake up to my yelling dad.

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