chapter 16

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Two weeks flew by and every night I slept like a baby. never once did i have a nightmare. I was safe in Nathans arms. They did manage to find Jim and he is far away from me. He was informed I had police looking after him and he freaked.

Today was June 22nd, Summer! Lizzy, Maria, Lilly and I all planed to go to the beach sense it was gonna be warm and really sunny. To me summer was the best. I loved the crisp warm breeze that flew right through North Carolina. North Carolina Had been my home sense I was born and I loved the place. It was perfect during the summer. And I had a feeling that this summer was gonna be the best.

In the car on the way to the beach was awsome! The music was blasted up playing z100. We were all excited about having a girls time. We were planning to stay at the the whole weekend at the beach. No boys and all fun. We were all singing along to What makes you beautiful by One direction, And having the best time of our lives.

Right then I felt free like I had nothing to worry about or to stress out about. All I had to do was enjoy myself and smile. And I did. I was looking out the window when I see the ocean. I smile widely and yell out,

"Were here!"

"YAY!" seams Maria.

"Finally, okay remember, no boys just fun!" says Lizzy smiling unbelievably big. Lilly just screamed out in happiness. We pull into the hotel parkinglot and we all head in. Lizzy goes to the counter to get our room and the rest of us go get our bags. I grabbed my one bag and one of Lizzy's when my phone beeped. I put the bags down and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

From Nathan,

Hey Babe, I hope you have a great time! please be safe :) I love ya!

aww, I thought to my self. He's so sweet and caring. Nathan and I were still together and very happy. I quickly text back.

I Love you too <3 And i promise ill be safe. And I will have an awesome time! :)

I press send and its off. I pick to bags up and head inside. Our room was quite big and nice it had  two queen beds and two twins. I out my bag next to the twin bed and put Lizzy's next to a queen. I thought she deserved a big one sense she was paying.

" Alright girls, lets get our bathing suits on and head down to the beach" says Lilly. I grab my bag and pull out my flower pattern bathing suit. I rush into the bathroom and put it on. I look in the mirror and decide on  putting my hair up. I grab some short shorts and slip them on. Once i'm done I get out and Maria runs in. I grab my jacket just in case and slip iit on. Lilly and Lizzy are all ready and were waiting on Maria. I grab a small bag and put sunscreen inside and a towel. Then Maria finishes and steps out.

We then all leave the motel and go down to the beach.

******************************** NATHAN'S POV ****************************************

I smile at Jane's text. I love her so much. I just can't stop worrying about her. I hope nothing happens. I decide to call my friend Joey to hang out. Get my mined of her. Shes probably having the best time right now and is doing fine. I just wish I could've gone to make sure she was safe but it was a girls only thing.

I dial Joey's number and he answers.

" Hello?"

" Hey Joey, wanna hang out?"

" Sure."

" Alright i'll be at your house in fifteen minutes okay?"

" Kay, see ya" He says

I hang up the phone and head down to my truck.

" Hey, mom I'm going over to Joey's for a while." I yell out to My mom.

" Okay sweetie, Dont stay out to late."

" Bye." I tell her. I jump into the truck and get to Joey's.

were playing Call of Duty 3 when he starts talking about his girlfriend.

" Yeah,Maria is really sweet." Joey says

" Yeah. Jane is the best you could ask for." I say, " But shes at the beach with friends right now."

" Really, Maria is too. For the whole weekend. Shes at this thing with No guys allowed with friends." says Joey.

" Yeah! exactly same with Jane. I guess they'er together at the beach. I think they'er friends." I say

" Yeah I guess so." says Joey.

I walk out of Joey's house and into my truck. I head home and walk slowly to my room, thinking about Jane. I miss her soo much.I miss when she was in my bed and sleeping soundly. All the time we spent.

My phone suddenly beeps and I cheack it.

Hey Nathan want 2 come 2 my party? Its really awesome right now! there's alot of hot girls and beer. Come on! Its so awesome! from Nick

I look at it wondering if I should go I then text him back. wodering if I did the right thing.


OHH! what was his answer???? 

I hope you liked it.

Jane at the beach and who knows what Nathans gonna do. Did he say Yes or No? find out in the next chapter.

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_ hungergamesrocks (chevelle)

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